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Session 1 - Into the Wild

General Summary

Weeks have slipped by since Alais, Hugo, Fimbul, Astele, and Roderick embarked from Stormreach, their path leading them through the winter-chilled lands, heading southward. A brief respite in the Kingdom of Valeria allowed them to restock their supplies before they continued their journey. Now, after another week's travel, they find themselves at a small trading post nestled within the wilderness.   At the trading post, they meet the owners, Svenya and Gerbald, who share tales of recent bandit raids. Determined to aid, the group hatches a plan. Hugo sets up traps while the others prepare for the inevitable confrontation, resting until the dawn.   As the sun rises, so do the bandits. The group springs into action, swiftly dispatching the attackers. Fimbul traps the bandit leader, The Hood, with one of Hugo's inventions, leading to a grim revelation—they serve a more powerful bandit known as the Stag Lord. With justice meted out, they push forward, seeking the source of the bandits' strength.   Their journey leads them into the heart of the woods, where mischievous fey creatures toy with their senses. Offering gifts, they secure passage and stumble upon Kat's bandit camp. The fight is short-lived, and they rest within the conquered camp.   Continuing their exploration, they encounter Black Kobold Scouts locked in conflict with Mitflits over a stolen idol. Delving deeper, they rescue a captive Kobold named Kroot and reclaim the stolen statue, bringing an end to the Mitflits' treachery.   Returning to the trading post, they find reinforcements in the form of Knight Franco and Sister Virexia, each with their own quest. Reaping rewards for their heroism, they press on, facing dangers including a deadly Giant Trapdoor Spider.   Their journey takes a twist as they encounter the spirit of a fallen man named David, seeking vengeance against the Stag Lord. Promising to aid him, they vow to bring justice to his murderer.   Finally reaching the Kobolds' cavern, they witness Chief Ashclaw's shocking act of defiance against the malevolent priest Old Scale. Realizing the true nature of the threat, they negotiate peace, forging an alliance between themselves and the Kobolds.   As they depart, the group carries with them the weight of their deeds, their hearts set on confronting the Stag Lord and bringing an end to the tyranny that plagues the wilderness. Their journey continues, each step forward bringing them closer to their ultimate goal.
Report Date
16 Mar 2024

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