Profundis Class Cruiser Vehicle in The Void | World Anvil
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Profundis Class Cruiser

Class Military Cruiser Field of Operation Space
Drive Dosterich Engine, Thrusters Advertised Function Military Dreadnought
HP 2000 Required Pilots 10
Armour 30 MOV 2

Weapons & Armament

The Profundis class is one of the most common vessels in the Imperial Navy and possess formidable arms. Nine torpedo tubes are mounted along the ship with three at the fore, three at the ventral and three at the aft. It has two rail guns with one mounted on the fore and another at the aft. The total ship is protected by PDTs and two grapplers are included to assist with capturing hostile vessels after combat.

Hangars & docked vessels

Hanger bays across the ship house dropships, usually Satyr Class Corvettes, and some repair vessels for post-combat maintenance such as Inhue Class Shuttles,
Creation Date
(Restricted) C 250,000,000
Complement / Crew

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