Ferries & Port

2 cc / hex if on a main route
1 sc / hex if going anywhere else or going to Ilfinwachi due to Livon's Otters   1-in-4 chance of a Sympfilfin looking for adventures to send them to their deaths   Neutral ground   Ferries to anywhere within 4 hexes along a river upriver vs downriver   Because of the Livon's Otters, the route along their river to and from Prensuchdt is a little more expensive.   Birgliyti is one of the stops. A lot of traders go that way because it links the northwest hinterlands.   The Ilfinwachi has a small port that ferries from Prensuchdt can stop at.   Stionhays has a ferry to Prensuchdt but they're large and slow due to transporting stone to Prensuchdt. Because trade to the town is fairly light, it's the only economical solution.  

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False-Plank Rypricht
Character | Jul 10, 2024

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