
Tribe Named after the river Wuchdt   Elves A Clan of 16 Guards (1 Unique), 8 Hellions, 13 Initiates (1 Unique), 5 Lords (1 Unique), 9 Scouts, 12 Snipers, and 13 Warriors (1 Unique) 380 non-combatants   Founded by Goes-Lightly Waes   The Wuchdtilfin consider Estra's Fountain to be a sacred location; the sword, they believe, belongs to their founder, Goes-Lightly Waes, and that only his true heir can wield it.   The Wuchdtilfin near the Far Abbey are 'converts'. There are suspicions that they only converted to leech the abbey's resources but the abbot, Goat-Mouth Gyntir, has decided it's not his business to second-guess them. Captain Singing Cunstanzi, the captain of the abbey guards, thinks otherwise but won't openly oppose the abbot.   The Wuchdtilfin have been trying to get hold of the Hurnblasir to feed them information on when the priests are at the Firdt Lake Shrine so they can be attacked but the lizardfolk won't give them the time of day.   The Wuchdtilfin know a lot about Ingil's Column due to having made multple expeditions into it, although without much success.   The Wuchdtilfin's chief has a cloak of griffin features. These feathers are way larger than a standard griffin. They have a legend that it was gifted to them by their gods. It is actually from the Remains of the Great Griffin which they stole.   The Wuchdtilfin fear the Seedrache as a power god. They believe it's recent awaken has to do with ritual impurity due to the conversion and a splinter group within the tribe has formed.   The Wuchdtilfin will, when they capture a grunzen, secretly crusify them at The Braystones to inflame human-grunz relations.


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