First Blade

From The Protector

The First Blade is a remnant left behind by The Protector from the Great Battle which lasted a hundred centuries and was fought between The Protector on the side of good and The Forces on the side of evil.   The story of the Great Battle can be found in the myth of Beginning of the Battle which is part of the Word of The Protector, the cornerstone of Religion of The Towns. The tomes of The Word and the First Blade along with other relics are stored in The Old Church, Stoneham Town and looked after by The Protector's Cleric.

"The sword fell from his hand as the Force of Idolatry gasped their last breath. He looked down at what he had done and was pleased with what he saw.   May the sword lay here as a reminder to those who find it of the Battle fought in this land for their souls."
— Extract from Word of The Protector
Tome 17, Section 9, Paragraph 36

Social Importance


Religious Relic
The Protector
The First Blade is known to be the sword used by The Protector during the Great Battle. While the exact dates of the Great Battle are unknown, the sword itself was discovered in 2699 by The Protector's Cleric at the time, Chosen Fields.   Chosen Fields was visited by The Protector in a dream and was told where to find the First Blade as proof to those who doubted his existence. The dream and discovery were well timed as there was some backlash from Townsfolks at the time over the shortage of resources for those outside the Church, but an abundance for Clerics and those working on the construction of churches.   The discovery of the First Blade was seen as irrefutable evidence of the existence of The Protector and the deadly and very real nature of the Battle he fought daily against The Forces.
  It is now housed alongside other such relics in The Old Church in Stoneham Town and is visited regularly by those seeking to renew their faith or seek pardon from The Protector's Cleric for a misstep they have made. It is housed behind a wall of glass to prevent damage and to preserve the natural holiness of an object which was once held by The Protector.   The sword itself is unimpressive, the blade dulled from the passage of time and the craftsmanship crude. The pommel is made from twine wrapped around wood and both have blackened and deteriorated over time. This lends to the authenticity of it being the first sword made by The Protector.


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