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The Coastborn are the original inhabitants of the Broken Coast. They have lived there for thousands of years, and are spiritually connected to the land, sea and storms. Each Coastborn has a organ in their chest called a Soulstone, which is capable of absorbing the magical energies of the Stormwinds fueling their body, mind, and magical powers. These abilities combined with millenia of accuired skills and traditions are reason that the Coastborn are the only culture that has settled the Wylde cliffs of the Broken Coast. All other peoples live in sheltered cities, and have to hide from the Stormwinds, while the Coastborn bask in their power. Coastborn live in small comunities of a couple hundred strong. These communities build long lasting settlements in rock formations and caves that protect them from the incomming storms. Their food comes primarily from fishing the ocean, and foraging in the tidepools.  

Four Pillars

What dangers do they face?

Outside Pressure

The The Free Cities expanded their fishing operations in recent years, hunting and harvesting magical ingredients to fuel their fabrial revolution. So far these have yet to severely encroach on the hunting grounds of the Coastborn, but the tribes are keenly aware that this will change in the future. The Tamedfolk do not have the same level of respect for the Broken Coast and ancient rites and traditions needed to honour this harsh land, and the Coastborn know that the Cities' operations might damage the .Broken Coast if they are left to their own devices.  

The Mother's wrath

The ferocity of the Stormwinds, and the power of the creatures that feed of it have increased over the last decades. It seems that Rán, the Mother of Storms has reacted to the recent activity of mortals harnessing her power with technology, by making the Broken Coast more dangeous. This has increased the power of the Stormwinds as well, resulting in greater bounties, but it has made the region more deadly with larger, more ravenous beasts lurking in the depths. Although the Coastborn hold a deep love for the goddess, they also know to fear her wrath. It seems that they must addapt and grow to survive in their blessed and dangerous home.  

What fortunes do they have?

The Storm Waxes

The strength of the Stormwinds has increased, and with it the powers that the Mother of Storms bestows on the Coastborn. More Stormwealders are born every year, and the warriors of the tribes can feel the storm pulsing though their veins urging them to act. The world has become more dangerous, but they have been given the blessings to face it head on. Both the creatures of the deep and outsiders comming to claim that which does not belong to them will not find a people cowering in the crevaces, but strong and powerful wariors ready to face them head on.  

Exchange of resources and ideas

The Free People of the Broken Coast and the Coastborn have had amicable relations since the founding of the The Free Cities centuries ago. The most recent advances in fabrial design has reignited interest in collecting magical materials. The knowledge and survival skills of the Coastborn are in high demand with outsiders. Trade has been lucrative, and the Free Cities seem keen on upholding good relations with the Coastborn tribes. The Stormsages have been able to improve upon their herbal remedies and Soulstone rituals with the insights of Free City researchers. Both sides stand much to gain long as these relations remain mutually beneficial.  

What products do they make?

The Coastborn hunt and gather the magically charged ingredients found along the Broken Coast. The Soulstones of great leviathans are integral to their magical and religious rituals, and they are in high demand with the Free City Merchant Guilds. Plants and animals from the Broken Coast can be processed into powerful medicines and poultices.  

What are their hopes for the future?

The world opens up

A change in trade routes has caused more ships to cross the Hazed Sea and bring exotic goods, people and cultures into the Free Cities. This has exposed the Coastborn to new ideas and influences. Coastborn are xenofilic by nature, and other cultures greatly interest them. Their beliefs and reliance on the Storms makes traveling to other places difficult, but these ousiders comming to them allows them to expand their horizons.  

Haven excursions

The Haven Isles have long been shrouded in mystery. Their geographical position as the first landmasses that take the brunt of the Stormwinds have made the islands completely uninhabitable. However, deep in the caves of the islands are said to be the ruins of ancient cities built by the original Coastborn. The Free Cities and the Coastborn have organised a dangerous excursion to find these ruins. The Free People are hoping to find ancient treasures to further their fabrial research, but the Coastborn are looking for ancient rites and ways to harness the power of their Goddess, so that they may be better prepaired for the hardships to come.  


Most Coastborn live that they have carved into the cliffs of the broken coast with magic. These Kaenga are often gathered in small villages of a couple dozen families. Most of the Coastborn are either Aarakocra, or Triton. These ancenstries made up the original Coastborn during the Golden Age and still make up the majority of ancestries, but many others have joined them over the millenia in small numbers. These newcommers are quickly absorbed into the culture and gain Soulstones by religious rites and traditions.   The largest influx of outsiders happened during the Affluence, when millions of Humans got stranded on Dunia. Many thousands were taken in by the Coastborn, and humans are now the third largest ancestry. The propensity of humans bloodlines to mix with otherworlly powers caused them to absorb the Stormwinds not just in their Soulstones, but for many changed their bodies, minds, and souls. Human Coastborn often give birth to Genasi of the Air and Water variety. These Genasi are far more common among the Coastborn than anywhere else on Dunia.  


The Coastborn worship Rán, the Mother of Storms. She governs the Stormwindss that shape the Broken Coast and everything that lives there. The Coastborn revere Rán deeply. They love her for providing them with sustenance and power, and fear her for the destruction she inflicts on those that do not respect her. Coastborn believe that their souls are bound to Rán, and that they travel to her Origin Storm uppon death.   The Soulstone is a deeply spiritual aspect of the Coastborn faith. It is said that a persons soul resides in their Soulstone, and that it is able to absorb the blessings of the Goddess directly. Soulstones are often critical components of religious rituals. Coastborn grow their Soulstone when they are children, under the influence of magical rituals that connect them with the Goddess and their blessed land.  

Religious Tenets:

  • There is always potential in Chaos.
  • Respect the power of nature.
  • Move ever forward.

Cultural traits

Traits that characters from this culture have that set them apart from others.
  • Driven to act: The storms push you ever forward. No time to sit still. Take decisive action
  • Respect traditions: Traditions are the wisdom of your ancestors. They will keep you alive in a harsh world.
  • Love of the Strange: The world is a vast and misterious place. You have great interest in things and people from far away places.


Origins - Coastborn
Encompassed species


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