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Adventure Summary Session 14

General Summary

House Keeping

We spent the first 30 minutes dividing the original spoils from previous adventures. This has all been assigned and I will delete the original transaction log.   All the loot should now have been sold or assigned. There were 3 transactions:
  • All gems sold: 62 gp, 8 sp, 6 cp
  • All the equipment from the cemetery haul: 205 gp, 2 sp, 9cp
  • Gorin took the signal horn

Glasswork Warehouse

Saban quickly moved to see if Ameiko Kaijitsu was still alive within the iron cage. Pandereos easily picked the lock to allow Saban to complete his healing magic granted by Irori. Saban, showing his true compassion, suggested that Visuma, Tharuzall, and he take Ameiko outside to allow her not to see her father Lonjiku Kaijitsu frozen in glass.   At the same time, Pandereos, Shialu, Gorin, Mordecai Thatcher all went to inspect the trapdoor leading down into the basement. Pandereos inspected the trapdoor where he noticed it wasn't all the way closed. Could this mean it was trapped or an invitation by Tsuto Kaijitsu to follow and die?   As Saban finished reviving Ameiko outside in the courtyard, she came to her senses very frightened. Ameiko was worried about her father, where Saban convincingly assured her now wasn't the time to worry about such things. The most important was making sure she was okay. Ameiko told everyone outside that she had received a note from Tsuto Kaijitsu asking her to come to the Glassworks. It had been five years since she had last spoken to her brother after the confrontation with her father. She decided it was best to meet him. When she arrived at the Glassworks, she was assaulted by many goblins and lost consciousness. When she awoke, she was bound and restrained. Tsuto came into the room and told her that her father had killed their mother and Sandpoint was going to burn for letting his father get away with it. Tsuto had found love in Nualia, who everyone thought was dead. Nualia too wanted the entire town to burn for her treatment and pregnancy by Derek Scarnetti.   It was about this time Belor Hemlock arrived with a couple of town guards. The pain in Belor's face was horrible as Saban relayed the information on their findings. Saban took Belor off to the side outside of Ameiko's ear range to inform him of the massacre of the workers inside, plus the death of Ameiko's father Longjiku. Belor had the guards secure the entrances to the Glassworks and indicated he planned to leave in the morning for Magnimar to secure additional help of town guards. With limitations on available guards, Visuma and Kek agreed to help secure the Glassworks from nosey towns people.   Belor helped Ameiko on her feet and they headed back towards the Sandpoint Cathedral to Abstalar Zantus, where he could provide comfort and healing. Ameiko yelled back at the unnamed heroes warning them Tsuto Kaijitsu was an expert and deadly marksman. Be careful!   With the rest of the unnamed heroes returning and relaying the warning, Pandereos decided to play it safe. He climbed the crates and lowered the chain to hook on to the trapdoor. Pandereos operated the wench and the trapdoor raised open without any bombs going off. There was lots of discussion on who would peek down into the darkness. It was decided that Pandereos would part with a single marble and toss it down the hole. With a sad face, Pandereos tossed the marble down the hole and heard it land. The marble then proceeded to roll down some stairs before the noise stopped.   Gorin decided to lean over and look down the hole after hearing the marble roll down stairs. Gorin saw a staircase landing that wound around the corner with stairs about 15' wide. With a deep grin, he climbed down the ladder followed closely by Pandereos and Thurazull. This definitely felt like a trap, with Ameiko's ominous warning. Tharuzall asked for a bloody arm to be lowered down and used that to stick around the corner. Within seconds the bloody arm was clanging against the staircase wall with an arrow stuck in it. The unnamed heroes discussed a plan of attack to address the situation. Shialu and Sid climbed down the ladder to execute a plan. Shialu, staring at a scroll with arcane writing, summoned her energies and cast the spell on Gorin. He disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. With only seconds to spare before it would wear off, Gorin stepped around the corner and surveyed the situation.
  The room was large that stretched a good 150’ in length. The width was around 20’ wide, with a few side hallways on the left side. The disturbing dangers in the room was the molten glass bubbling in the center of the room and barrels blocking easy access to the farthest reaches. Neither Tsuto, Heckle, or Jekyll we’re visible, most likely hiding somewhere within. Who knows what else Is waiting. There was lots of debate before a plan was hatched. Use the potion of invisibility to send Pandereos into the room on a scouting mission. Since he would have to move slow and stealthily, Mordecai grabbed his vials and brewed up a mixture to help accelerate Pandereos movements. Pandereos disappeared and left on the mission. As he moved into the room, he could see the first small hallway ended in a doorway with nobody hiding. As he moved forward slowly, he located Jekyll hiding behind barrels ready to shoot anyone coming around the corner. Jekyll was perfectly located behind barrels and the molten glass for cover. Pandereos decided to continue his exploration.
  Pandereos slipped a bit as he continued, which caused some damage as an alchemist fire exploded next to him. Pandereos only took minor splash damage, but managed to remain hidden. Before proceeding further, he gathered his wits and moved even slower towards the end of the room. Pandereos found Heckle hiding a bit further down the room behind barrels for cover and the larger hallway branching off.
  Pandereos finally reached the end of the room with many boxes and barrels stacked for channel point to the back of the room. Here, lying in wait, was Tsuto. Now that Pandereos could see him, this was a villain to be reckoned with. Tsuto’ s demeanor, shiny bow, and stance educated Pandereos enough not to try this battle alone! Pandereos moved back slowly to find a perfect spot to attack Heckle without exposing himself to Tsuto.
  It was time to roll the dice and start this confrontation. Pandereos deftly executed a perfect strike into Jekyll’s abdomen. The pain had to be excruciating. With the yell, Gorin rushed into the fray and at the place Heckle was hiding. Unfortunately, his finesse wasn’t where it needed to be as he crashed into the barrels and narrowly the molten glass. Tharuzall was right behind him and leaped over the barrel to slash Heckle before landing.  
With the action now in full force, Shialu , Mordecai Thatcher , and Saban all rushed around the corner to get into battle position. Tsuto took the opportunity to start selectively shooting heroes. The next round produced many advantages as Sid produced delivery a shocking grasp charge to Jekyll, but Shailu’s scorching ray missed Tsuto. Mordecai launched a bomb that landed on a Heckle setting him on fire. Saban kept rushing forward to reach Tsuto. Pandereos was able to slash Jekyll again, but Jekyll landed a critical blow against Pandereos that dropped him to unconsciousness.
  Gorin rushed to Pandereos aid and delivered a killing blow with his dwarves Urgosh to Jekyll, while Saban produced a wooden rod and shouted at Tsuto Kaijitsu. Tsuto was able to shake off the effects and continued to shoot our heroes. The assault of bombs and falchion slashes from Tharuzall soon killed Heckle. Shialu summoned additional arcane magic and sent magic missiles imploding into Tsuto.   Our heroes now focused solely on Tsuto. Tharuzall drank a potion and grew into a monstrous half-orc ready to unleash hell on Tsuto. Shialu was ready to launch additional arcane energies on Tsuto, Mordecai launched a bomb that set Tsuto on fire, Saban readied divine energy to drop Tsuto, while Gorin rushed to attack. Of course Pandereos was bleeding out, but tough choices had to be made. Sensing defeat, Tsuto rolled on the ground to extinguish the flames and begged for mercy.
Saban and Shialu, both the conscious of the heroes, stopped the slaughter of Tsuto. They talked down the rest of the heroes from executing him. Tharuzall slapped manacles on him while Saban ran over to heal Pandereos before he bled out. Kneeling down, Saban grabbed his holy symbol and called on the energies of Irori to grant him the healing power. Our heroes emerged from the basement with a Tsuto in tow, but words to Sheriff Belor to secure the basement because there was still danger down there. With promises to help cleanse the darkness below, our heroes went to the garrison to secure Tsuto for questioning. Sheriff Belor informed them that he would be leaving for Magnimar to secure additional guards to help protect Sandpoint of additional attacks.
  The heroes headed back to the Rusty Dragon Inn to consume the Tsuto's Journal secured from the battle. The journal answered many questions:
  • Nualia wasn’t dead and is blaming the town for her situation
  • Nualia is now a worshipper of Lamashtu and completing rituals of transformation
  • There is a larger attack being planned on Sandpoint
  • The goblin chief Ripnugget is leading the goblin tribes with Nualia
  • The Temptress lurks below the Glassworks
  • Malfeshnor is a demon involved
  • Thistletop is where they must go when the caverns are cleared to stop this attack
  With full bellies, a bit too much drink drink, our heroes headed to bed to recover and prepare for questioning Tsuto before heading back down into the basement of the Glassworks to prevent anymore evil coming up to attack Sandpoint.

Rewards Granted

Glasswork's warehouse

Chiffy Lickwood
  • +1 Studded Leather Armor - Mordecai Thatcher
  • Masterwork Handcrossbow - Pandereos
  • Potion of Invisibility - Used by Pandereos to sneak into the basement
  • Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - Tharuzall
  • Medium Spider Venom Poison (3 doses) - Visuma
  • Skeleton Key - Gorin
  • Thieves Tools - Sell item
  • Tindertwig (3) - Sell item
  • Bag of Marbles - Pandereos
  • Pouch (14 gp) - Split by party
  • Chain Shirt - Sell item
  • Aegis of Recovery - Shialu
  • Cloak of Resistance (+1) - Shialu
  • Wand of Aid (5 charges) - Saban
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (8 charges) - Saban’s Journal
  • Wooden Holy Symbol of Lamashtu - destroyed
  • Holy Text of Lamashtu - destroyed
  • Jar of Body Balm - Saban’s Journal
  • Pouch (25 gp) - split by party
  • Bottle of Eyeballs - Pandereos

Glassworks Basement

Heckle & Jeckle
  • Alchemist Fire (3) - Mordecai Thatcher and ??
  • Potion of Barkskin +2 (2)
  • Potion of Bulls Strength (2) - Gorin and Tharuzall
  • Smokestick (2)
  • Masterwork Guisarme (2) - sell item
  • Masterwork Chainshirt (2) - sell item
  • Longbow (2) - sell item
  • Masterwork Thieves Tools - Pandereos
  • Ring of Protection +1 - Saban
  • Cloak of Resistance +1 - Shialu
  • Masterwork Composite Shortbow (Str +1)
  • Bracers of Armor +1 - Shialu
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds
  • Silk Rope 50’
  • Silver Earrings (25 gp) - sell item

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The goblins are located at Thistletop. The mysterious mother (Nualia) is also located there in love with Tsuto Kaijitsu.
  • The old light is definitely part of Thassilon Empire. This will be of much interest to Brodert Quink.
  • Lamashtu is pulling the strings of Nualia
  • The rough childhood by Lonjiku Kaijitsu and death of his mother has turned Tsuto Kaijitsu against Sandpoint
  • Nualia's childhood and story
  • Report Date
    22 Feb 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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