Ace Burnett

Ace Burnett is a artist and former companion of Mige in Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles. Although Ace isn't a career trainer he does have a very skilled squirtle that he nicknamed Tommy that is known for it's signature tackle. He no longer travels and instead focuses on his career. He is currently the director of product art for Silph Co. in Saffron City.


Ace is the tough and crass "big brother" to the party during Mige's early adventures. Despite having very different exteriors from Mige; Ace shares Mige's high levels of perception and is similarly a great listener. That being said; Ace doesn't ask many questions. He may not talk as much as some of his companions but is certainly the loudest. While Ace is always willing to have a conversation he is equally invested in people watching and simply observing-- likely a trait that helped him develop as an artist.   Ace is a very confrontational character and will react if he finds something to be, in his words, "Bullshit." He's never afraid to speak his mind or let his fist do the thinking if it comes to it. While he doesn't always leap before looking he has an incredibly short fuse when dealing with people he finds to be annoying and will always let them know they are upsetting him whether it's with his voice or fist.   Ace is very loyal and somewhat protective of his friends. He will usually support the opinion of his companions without really thinking about it first and is always willing to back them up.


Ace has short black-brown hair and thick eyebrows. He stands just over six feet tall and is broad shouldered. Ace has immense upper body strength that is shown through his toned musculature. He often wears lots of red and black clothing. While traveling with Mige he most commonly wore a red jacket with a black shirt underneath. Ace wore straight leg jeans and combat boots.   While he retained his style when returning in Indigo League Victors, he notably dressed less casual in his appearance in Battle of the Fuchsia Viruosos, likely due to him representing his company. Despite wearing a red button-up shirt it was nothing overly formal and he still chose to wear black jeans and opted to leave the top buttons undone-- claiming he "hates ties."


Main Article:Detailed History (Ace Burnett)


Ace was born to Henrik and Daniella Burnett. His mother wanted to name him Horace after her father but Henrik didn't want him to get picked on so they decided to name him Ace instead to still honor Daniella's late father. Ace graduated from secondary school in 2019 and while his parents decided to move to Alola he opted to stay and get an apartment in Viridian. He worked at the local Silph Mart as a stocker before meeting Mige.

Indigo Chronicles

In Tommy Tackle! Ace notices a local named Rodney harassing Mige and steps in to tell him off. Although it seems like a physical alteration is at foot Mige manages to convince them to have a pokemon battle instead. Ace's Squirtle named Tommy beats Rodney with ease leading to Ace and Mige becoming quick friends. Ace would later show him where he met Tommy leading Mige to capture his own squirtle.   In Every Rose has its Thorn Ace would be infatuated by another trainer named Rose traveling in the Viridian Forest claiming to be out looking for a Pikachu. Ace would drag Mige along in hopes of capturing a Pikachu to win her heart and while Ace is successful Rose reveals that she was simply a member of Team Rocket using "The ole' Pikachu ruse" to allow her and Roselia to steal all of their money and pokemon. Ace would manage to tap Tommy's pokeball and he would defeat Roselia and save the two trainers.   In the Cradles: Live in Cerulean Ace would reveal to Tim that the Cradles is his favorite band. The two would make friends with Mickey the bouncer, beat up a slapstick-thug duo named Tarr and Wretch both in battle and physically and have a good evening watching the Cradles perform.   Red Dot on the Die, Gamblers Delight. Red Dot on the Die, Tommy Fight! would reveal that Ace never told his landlord he was going on a adventure and he would be threatened with eviction. Lacking the funds and not wanting Mige or Tim to rely on their savings to help him out he would end up meeting Fil Floride who would offer Ace an opportunity to win some money if he could out gamble him at various games. Ace would lose a plethora of cards and dice games before Mige suggested that maybe Fil Floride is cheating. Ace would then ask Mige and Tim to help him in a triple battle to win back the funds triple or nothing. Ace and Tommy end up victorious and win back the money. Ace takes a bus back to Viridian after saying farewell to Tim and Mige and wishing them luck on their journey.   Ace would appear to celebrate the holidays in A Dashing Delibird Day! and bring Mige a framed picture of his Eevee fighting Lt. Surges Raichu. Mige would ask Ace if he was willing to watch Squirtle while he went to Sinnoh as Mige thought it'd be nice for her and Tommy to get time to play together again.   Ace would appear for a final time in Indigo Chronicles in Battle of the Fuchsia Viruosos as he is in Fuschia to judge a art competition. Ace reveals he is happy working as a production artist in Silph's advertising division and is already settling into a director position. He and Benjamin are quick to bicker which leads to a battle between the two, which Ace easily wins. This is the first appearance of Ace's Ekans, named Winston, which he traded to a young trainer-to-be who wanted a different starter than the ekans that they were somewhat afraid of-- so Ace offered them Pikachu. Despite being at odds with Benjamin Ace ended up coting to support his piece and admitted that he was a pretty good artist.

Indigo League Victors

Ace appears in Destiny Calls my Name and catches a punch Tim throws towards Corey Manchineel, not wanting his bud to be disqualified before the tournament even starts. Ace reveals that he paid for him and Ami to fly out and watch Tim and Mige compete. He is mostly seen hanging out in the stands with characters related to Mige and Tim's story.   During Team Rocket's attack in Goop Gas Attack! Rocket’s Sneak Attack! Ace would be one of the first, along with Duplica, to try and fend off the rocket grunts harassing people in the stands. He would fight alongside Armand, Duplica and Ami using Tommy and Winston.


On Hand


Traded Away



Despite not competing in any tournaments or pokemon-related competitions Ace has sold various drawing and paintings for a decent profit which inevitably led him to get hired by Silph as a product artist.


Main Article: Complete List of Appearances (Ace Burnett) Ace has appeared in 26 episodes of the Indigo Chronicles and 14 of Indigo League Victors as well as a brief appearance in the special Godfall. Despite his early departure from the show his returning appearances along with him attending the Indigo Conference in Indigo League Victors gives him the record of fourth most appearances in the series amongst the human characters.


  • Ace is tied with Kai for second tallest of Mige's long-term travelling companions.
  • Ace is the first trainer in the series to have a nicknamed pokemon.
  • Ace is one of two major traveling companions to never compete in a pokemon-based contest or competition.
  • Ace is Bill's least favorite of Mige's core friends.
  • Ace is the first traveling companion to retire from adventuring or an adventuring-based job when he accepted his position at Silph Co.
  • Ace's favorite bands are The Cradles, Pyroar Battalion and The Beckoners.
  • Ace loves Sauerkraut.
Full Name: Ace
Nicknames: N/A
Birthday: April 19th
Hometown: Viridian City
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6'1"
Relatives: Henrik Burnett (father)
Daniella Burnett (mother)
Horace Burnett (maternal grandfather)
Blood Type: O-
Occupation: Product Artist
First Appearance: Tommy Tackle!
Status: Alive