Pokemon: Indigo Stories

Pokemon: Indigo Stories is a spin off of Pokemon: The Indigo Chronicles that takes place roughly around the same time. Instead of focusing on Mige Fjord and his companions it instead features a variety of other character Mige has met along his travels and some he hasn't even interacted with at all.   Episodes in Pokemon: Indigo Stories are number with the prefix IS.  


Main Article: List of Indigo Stories Episodes 
Indigo Stories is split into two main chapters consisting of 12 episodes each, with a special featured in the middle of each chapter. The first chapter is an anthology of stories covering various trainers such as the Kanto starters of the season, Corrin Grey, Louis and Charlie and Jenn Greene. The second chapter focuses heavily on Tim Fisher, Zoey Parsons and Armand Palm although a few episodes deviate from this trio.  


Main Article: Specials
Four specials divide Indigo Stories. The Iron Trainer Tournament, The Kami Saga, Unnamed, and Unnamed.  


Main Article:  
