Aelorin Sanctifiers Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Aelorin Sanctifiers

The Aelorin Sanctifiers are a revered branch of the Divine and of The Seldarine and even some other Pantheons that the elves respect within the military forces of Amon Thal. These Sanctifiers are the military branch of the sacred and champions of the divine, these sanctifiers are entrusted with the preservation of ancient elven traditions and the sanctity of their lands.   Embodying the harmonious blend of divine power and elven grace, the Aelorin Sanctifiers are skilled in both offensive and defensive arts. They are adept healers, channeling the blessings of the elven deities to mend wounds and restore life. Additionally, their connection to the divine grants them unique abilities to purify, banish dark forces, and enhance the natural elements around them.  


  • Guardians of Sacred Grounds - Sanctifiers are entrusted with the protection of sacred elven sites, ensuring they remain untainted by dark forces and they aid other clergies in saving their, though not with assets of The Hosts of Amon-Thal.
  • Healers and Protectors - They are skilled healers, mending wounds with divine magic, and shielding their kind and allies from harm during conflicts.
  • Banishers - They are expert in dealing with outsiders.
  • Divine Consultants - The Sanctifiers are keeping themselves as trusty advisors, both in military service and the reserve.
  • Teachers of Faith - In times of peace or when in reserve, they educate the younger generations and communities about the traditions, history and belifs.
  • Inquisition - In times of peace, the Aelorin Sanctifiers are employing many inquisitors in order to find any taint of evil gods and those who threat the elven ways of life.
    The Divine practitioners have the same ranks, in whichever branch they serve in the The Hosts of Amon-Thal, be it the Armaithil, Lirithil and Aerinor.
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