Thalorin Arcanum Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Thalorin Arcanum

The Thalorin Arcanum is a dedicated and prestigous branch of the The Hosts of Amon-Thal. Not all Arcane Casters are accepted into the Thalorin Arcanum, as many treat the arcane as an art.   The Thalorin Arcanum are masters of magic, able to mastering the mystical arts, both in civilized utilization and military uses.   The Thalorin Arcanum are considered by Sophia-Hold to be the second best Arcane Organization in the world, while the first is rumored to be from Owhain.   The Arcane Casters have the same ranks, in whichever branch they serve in the The Hosts of Amon-Thal, be it the Armaithil, Lirithil and Aerinor.  


While they serve as part of the military, they also have several functions, such as:
  • Mystical Knowledge Guardians - The Thalorin Arcanum, are the body incharge of preserving ancient magical lore, guarding rare and potent spells, artifacts and scrolls. They delve into the depths of arcane history, uncovering forgotten incantations to bolster their understanding of magic.
  • Wizardry and Sorcerery Studies - The Thalorin Arcanum are partipicating in many curriculum academic, arcane courses in many schools, be it military, civilian or acedmic. They are also in charge of teaching sorcerers to utilize their magic to be superior and effective.
  • Magical Research and Innovation - The Thalorin Arcaum, dedicate their time to researching new spells and magical innovations. They experiment with the boundaries of magic, seeking ways to enhance elven society and protect their realm from emerging threats.
  • Guardians of Magical Creatures and Oddities - The Thalorin Arcanum oversees the protection and preservation of magical creatures within Amon Thal. They ensure the harmony between these creatures and the elves, often forming magical bonds with them for mutual benefit.
  • Enchanters and Artificers - The Thalorin Arcaum are skilled enchanters and artificers, while being the only ones - they function as the craftmen ofmagical items, imbuing them with protective spells and enhancing the abilities of the elven military. From enchanted weaponry to protective amulets, their creations are sought after throughout the realm.
  • Sentinels of the Elven Gates - Together with the Aelorin Sanctifiers, they guard mystical gates that connect different areas in Thalasindor and many other realms, called often the @Elven. They monitor those gateways, ensuring no maleveolent entities use it, breach it, by using their magical expertise to reinforce the gates' defenses.
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