Torzaradk Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Torzaradk is the Empire of the Duergars spanning in the underdark, with its only known surface at the fortress of Zaradk-Dum.


The Duergar empire of Torazaradk operates under a hierarchical political structure. At the pinnacle of power is the ruling council, composed of influential Duergar leaders who make decisions regarding the empire's policies, trade agreements, and military campaigns. Beneath the ruling council are regional administrators who oversee specific territories and ensure the smooth operation of the empire's infrastructure.   However the de-facto leader of the council is the Queen.


They venerate both Deep Duerra and Laduguer.

Trade & Transport

The Duergar of Torzaradk are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and expertise in various forms of crafting. They excel in metalworking, stone carving, and gemcutting, producing intricate and highly sought-after goods. Their reputation for producing fine weapons, armor, and ornamental items has made them valuable trading partners with neighboring regions such as the rich shore of Abaisgar and the Vales of Ameros.


Torazaradk boasts a complex and well-developed infrastructure. Alongside the Fortress of 50 Stories, the empire encompasses a network of underground tunnels, chambers, and extensive mining operations. These underground passages connect various regions within the empire and provide strategic advantages in defense, transportation, and resource extraction.
Founding Date
954 BB
Predecessor Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
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