Ardcaisleán Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil


Ardcaisleán is the seat of power in the southwestern lordship of Sabersycha.


While the keep itself stands strong for centuries, its surrounding castle was renovated numerous times.


The mesa and cliffs upon which the castle is built were raised and shaped from the ground itself; this was supposedly achieved with the aid of druids from Teordach.  
Wind Tunnel
The first baily has stone outcroppings jutting from the rockfaces which are planned in such a way that powerful winds rush northwards from the Arit Highlands. Though they are mostly known for powering the castle's three windmills, It is speculated that this effect can be quickly adjusted and produce powerful gusts of wind that would blow away invading forces. The outcroppings were molded by House Stríbheatha's druids, who were guided by clerics of Akadi, who later blessed the areas where the winds were to pass through.
Founding Date
253 AB
Alternative Names
High Castle
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location


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