Blood Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Blood Magic

Blood Magic, otherwise known as the domain of injury and pain. Some refer to this art as Hemocraft.   Blood magic involves harnessing a spellcaster's own life force to fuel their magic. Typically, casters derive power from external sources such as the primal essence of nature, deities, saints, arcane energy leylines, and more. However, an alternative source exists—the caster's own life energy. Employing personal life force to activate a spell comes with risks and high costs, but in moments of desperation, mages may find it to be a necessary recourse.  


Blood Magic is mostly empowering the use of summoning of creatures from the lower planes, such as Mezzofiend, Devils, Demons and the rest, empowering necromancy spells, whether they are for good purposes or mostly, sinister ones, empowering mind control spells and sometimes, even empowering the Evocation school for enough 'juice', as it taps on emotions, such as rage, grief or determination.   Recently in Esha, blood magic was used as empowerment to transformative spells, enhancing creatures abilities or even transforming them into something else.    
How Blood Magic is Utilized
As Blood magic primarily involves the utilization of blood—life itself—as a potent energy source for casting spells. This life force can be drawn from either the mage or sacrifices, whether given willingly or unwillingly. Consequently, the use of blood magic enables an arcane caster to cast spells that would typically exceed the capabilities of any arcane caster. In the ancient Menedynn Empire, magisters were known to maintain a stock of slaves for blood sacrifices during particularly demanding castings, a tradition that some contemporary blood mages continue in Ofelian societies. It's important to note that the more intense the pain or death involved in blood magic, the more potent the resulting spell becomes so it is popular in the churches of Cain and Khaziba.  


Unlike most Magics, it was introduced by Baravor right after Ervenius' Draught, however it was rumored to be used within those terrible years as it was shown to be used even sometimes in dead magic zones. Some people attribute this fact to the enmity between Ervenius and Baravor.   Baravor gave this knowledge to battle outsiders, espacially those who tried to obtain souls.


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