Ofelian Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Ofelians are generally people who came from Ofruth, Ofruth Heights, The Leylands of Graile. Those of the Ofelians, are highly proudful people and for them, there isn't nothing short of success.


Culture and cultural heritage

For those unfamiliar with the Ofelians, it might be easy to envision a society dominated solely by mages and slaves. In reality, both the people of Graile and Sofel are a complex realms with three distinct facets, each existing in its own isolated world. The Sorcerers of Graile, a faction of the nation's nobility, are consumed by their relentless pursuit of supremacy over one another, often neglecting external threats. While the Wizards are truly the nobility in Sofel.   In both, families must meticulously maintain an illusion of flawless citizenship or face scandal and censure.   Another class are the 'Aspiring', the non-magical citizens that outnumber the arcane casters, but subject to their whims. Many of them harbour resentment, clandestinely plotting while secretly yearning for magical abilities, a tempting prospect that could emerge in anyone, even a slave, be it Sorcerers or Wizards.   Finally are the Slaves, despite common assumptions, equality is not a shared sentiment among them. The divisions between freed magisetrial assistant in Graile or emancipated Citizen, personal servants to magisters, farm and factory workers, and the servus publicus handling tasks avoided by proper citizens are nearly insurmountable. Yet, driven perhaps by the emulation of their owners, slaves still conspire and scheme to overcome these barriers.  
An Aspiring Man
  Social Classes
Ofelian's society is a meticulously-layered cake, each tier defined by blood and magic. At the bottom lie the Aspiring, the non-magical masses - merchants, soldiers, servants - tolerated, but never truly empowered. They dream of rising through their children, for a wizard or sorcerer offspring grants entry into the Newblood stratum. These arcane casters, born without nobility, claw their way to influence, their history etched in a constant struggle sparked by their defiance.  
The Aspiring, encompass all non-mage common citizens within the society. Members of this predominantly human class possess the right to own property and serve in the military. However, they lack substantial influence in the nations' governance. Often engaged in occupations like merchant or civil servants, the Aspiring yearn for societal recognition. Notably, when an aspiring family produces a mage child—an esteemed occurrence in Graile mostly and through education, in Sofel —the family gains entry into the Newblood class, securing a higher social standing. Tensions persist between the Aspiring and the ruling mage classes due to the inherent inequality in their societal status.  
The Newbloods form the subsequent echelon in the social hierarchy, comprising mages born into families with no prior magical inclination or those whose magical lineage lacks a connection to the higher Weavedtouched.  
Weavetouched arcane casters trace their ancestry back many centuries before. They are highly esteemed and often hold the highest mage positions.  
Slaves and Freed Magisterial assitants/Emancipated Citizens
For Ofelians, the institution of slavery is not only legal but also officially endorsed. Arcane Casters, too, can find themselves enslaved.   Slave uprisings are frequent, albeit seldom successful, and political endeavors to abolish slavery face persistent challenges.   Liberation for slaves can only occur through a legal process before a judge, either with the owner's presence to proclaim emancipation or posthumously through the owner's will. However, liberated slaves do not attain citizenship but are instead placed in a class known as the Freed Magisterial Assitant or Emancipited Citizen. Operating as a subordinate class, they enjoy limited rights, such as apprenticeship in a trade or enrollment in many of the arcane universties or school They can own land and property, yet military service and participation in governance remain rare privileges for the freed.

Shared customary codes and values

The Ofelians are most prominently known for The Shadow Play and adding another layer of complexity to the Play, Ofelian nobility hides behind hereditary masks. These intricate visages are as unique as family crests, instantly identifying lineage as similiar to Bafigronians and taking it to the next level both at the streets in informal affairs or formal business. Servants wear simpler versions, as a constant reminder of the intricate power dynamics woven into the fabric and their status in the society. Wearing an unauthorized mask is tantamount to courting death, as in Sofel, even appearances are weapons, wielded with deadly precision in the never-ending Shadow play.

Art & Architecture

Ofelian buildings scream power. Bold horizontals and stark verticals dominate, accentuated by contrasting materials. Magic whispers within the stones, raising colossal pillars and shaping dramatic forms. Precious metals and gemstones sparkle like defiant trophies, adorning every surface as befit many temples of Bane or Ella'li.

Foods & Cuisine

A peculiar and unfamiliar meat dish is commonly served in Ofelian taverns, often accompanied by a substantial portion of flatbread. This dish is prone to hyperbole; in at least one instance, it simply turned out to be chicken legs.The bread itself is a quick-no-rise variety, requiring only a few minutes to prepare from dough. It can be enjoyed on its own, with dips, or brushed with oil. A traditional and popular tavern appetizer in Ofelian places are stuffed vine leaves, consisting of tender leaves filled with a mixture of rice, herbs, and sometimes minced meat. They may be garnished with lemon juice and tzatziki sauce.   For a sweet escape, consider the poison needles, Ofelians' travel treat of chocolate-coated orange peels. Don't fear the name – the sour citrus and rich chocolate dance in perfect harmony, creating a chewy delight. In the opulent world of the Ofelian theater, tiny pink cherry cupcakes hold a darker history. Once used to deliver silent assassinations, now they're simply a luxurious bite enjoyed by spectators from their gilded loges. And for a cozy comfort, there's always pumpkin bread, a simple baked good.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Kingdoms of the Ofelian, place great value on its past, meticulously preserving and renovating everything it has built. Ambition and magical prowess define the ruling elite, the magisters or Kagiams.
Blood magic, though officially banned, remains acknowledged among mages as a mark of proficiency in dreams and divination. This nod to tradition is crucial for survival in a society marred by deadly rivalries and power struggles among noble families.


Relationship Ideals

The Ofelians are renowned for their practice of polyamory, particularly prevalent in the upper echelons of society. While Ofelians are legally bound to a single spouse, many nobles engage in relationships with concubines, often noble hunters, who are integrated into the household and officially documented in the registrars.   Ofelian nobles embrace a different kind of affection. Same-sex relationships, while discreet, are tolerated, and whispers abound of secret dalliances with favored slaves. Transgender individuals walk freely, though open acceptance among the elite, can ruffle feathers. The military, however, clings to stricter lines, judging individuals by their biological sex.
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