Chronias Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Chronias, also known as the Illuminated Heaven, is the seventh and final layer of Mount Celestia. Many religions make this level the home of their lawful good deities, believing any lesser realms are merely to accommodate less-worthy souls. It is thought to be the ultimate goal of the inhabitants of Celestia to ascend the layers one by one in order to reach Chronias, where their souls would join with the essence of the plane itself.  
The ruler of Chronias is Zaphkiel, the Watcher. He was the first archon created and leader of the Hebdomad.


Little was known of its structure because nothing is ever recorded by the few who had visited and returned. The legends said that Chronias is so good and lawful that it glowed of its own accord and any who entered had all evil and neutrality burned out of them, leaving them inherently good—if they survived.
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