House Colcamin Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Colcamin

House Colcamin was one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha whos last members perished during the Grausur Plague. House Colcamin was founded by Colcamin the Unyielding, the seventh son of Peadaran; their ancestral home, Clochdor Castle, stood abandoned for nearly two centuries due to a curse.   The house was reinstated in 1049 AB under the leadership of lord Dara Colcamin.


While historically speaking house Colcamin was organized similarly to other noble houses in Sabersycha, nowdays its sole members are Lord Dara and his adopted daughter, Mädinäka Colcamin. The house also has three Saineolaí - Odhrán an Mairbh, the Court Druid; Leathfir SciathIoróir, the Master at Arms; and Renault le Renégat, the Hooded Pupil.   Other notable court members include the Drochomharthani, a group of extremely powerful wights reanimated by Dara to fulfill a variety of special tasks. Each of them served as the personal bodyguard of a different lord Colcamin in life, their deeds and qualities noteworthy enough to be mentioned in the Colcamin family annals; in undeath, their skills were called upon once more: drochomhartha are tasked with protecting court members, hunting feral undead throughout Clochdor, and gathering field intelligence.

Public Agenda

House Colcamin was one of the three martial houses of Sabersycha and held the south-eastern border; as such, the Lord Colcamin was always a capable strategist and had to maintain a standing army. Due to Clochdor's many vicissitudes and the rising tensions preceeding the Yokun Grausur Campaign, Dara was retroactively granted approval to reanimate the Hematite Yotsereg and deploy them as Sabersychan soldiers.


All lands between Cualin Creek and Dwrllonydd Lake. Most villages were abandoned, though Greystone Village and Cualin Village were continously inhabited. Recently, the lands surronding Clochdor Castle are being reinhabited.

Bearing a Promise

893 AB
1049 AB


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