Glacial Elf Species in Theras | World Anvil

Glacial Elf

Glacial Elves are species of Elves, that are rumored to be extinct, however they can found at the Codquet Ice Fields in many numbers.   In essence they are Elves that are exiled from their societies, before succumbing to the Nevae Kash as deemed by many sages, leaders or divine casters of The Seldarine that pass the judgement upon them.  
The Glacial Elves are not born, they are created; Those elves are undergoing a procedure, usually by choice as a chance to redeem themselves which, according to rumors involve the use of Giant blood and which turn them much more taller. They cannot procreate themsleves, as any one born out of those, are more generally taking the race of the mother.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Glacial Elves possess skin like polished alabaster, ranging from purest white to icy ash or cool grey. These hues, often tinged with subtle blues, purples, or even the faintest mint green, allow them to vanish into the snow-swept landscapes they call home. Their hair, typically long and braided, reflects the wintery palette as well, appearing white, pale blonde, or various shades of grey or silver. These intricate braids are often adorned with bone or crystal ornaments, or even meticulously crafted materials that mimic the frozen world around them.   When it comes to eyes, Glacial Elves exhibit a spectrum of cool tones. White, crystal grey, icy blue, and pale green are most common, though some possess striking eyes of deep purple or pale yellow. Standing taller than their southern kin, Glacial Elves average between 6'6" and 7'6", with a noticeably stockier build. Their diet, rich in fatty meats, has resulted in a more muscular physique compared to other elves. This translates to a denser build, evident in their weight range of 150 to 200 pounds.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6'6 to 7'6''
Average Weight
150 to 200 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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