Gaerdal Ironhand Character in Theras | World Anvil

Gaerdal Ironhand (gair-dahl eye-urn-hand)

Gaerdal Ironhand is the protector of all Gnome burrows in the world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The church of Gaerdal operates under a strict military structure. Its clerics, akin to a warrior caste among gnomes, are few in number. They exhibit moralizing tendencies, displaying less levity than typical gnomes, often serving as administrators or judges. Their protective role is paramount in both religious doctrine and community safety. While Gaerdal's temples are rare, his clerics often install small statues at major entrances to Gnome settlements to reinforce daily duties. Their primary engagement lies in impeding the followers of Baravar, Baervan Wildwanderer, and Garl Glittergold.  
Clerics of Gaerdal pray for their spells at dawn, marking the beginning of a new day. Gaerdal's followers term periods of ten days as Tenhammers a nod to the daily routine of guard duty marked by the striking of a great hammer against a metal shield. Every tenth day within the Tenhammers is revered as the Great Clang, a sacred occasion for the faithful to gather and honor their deity through martial hymns and rhythmic chants. Many clerics of Gaerdal also pursue training as divine champions or fighters.  
Priestly Vestments
The ceremonial attire worn by Gaerdal's clergy consists of chain mail, an open-faced helm, and a shield adorned with the deity's emblem. Their holy symbol is an iron or steel band worn on the right forearm.   The practical ceremonial attire of Gaerdal's priests is designed for utmost functionality, especially in hazardous conditions. However, clergy members strive to acquire the finest armor available to them, with many senior priests eventually commissioning gnome-sized plate mail during their lifetimes.  
Novices devoted to Gaerdal are referred to as the Eyes of Shield. Full-fledged priests of the Golden Hills' Shield are recognized as the Vigilant Host. Gaerdal's clergy members are ranked as Stern Watchers, Observers, Guards, Sentinels, Sentries, Guardians, Defenders, and Protectors in ascending order. Higher-ranking priests bear distinct titles.  
Gaerdal's temples are fortified underground bastions carved from stone, functioning as places of worship and defensive citadels. At the heart of these sanctuaries stand small statues depicting the god, representing Gaerdal's unwavering watchfulness. Beyond this central emblem, the temples remain modestly adorned, often displaying the shields of those who have served.

Tenets of Faith

  • Unyielding vigilance is the cornerstone of defense.
  • Devote yourself wholeheartedly to Gaerdal's service.
  • Safeguard gnome communities from both overt and covert threats.
  • Continuously refine the arts of warfare, imparting such knowledge during times of tranquility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gaerdal has generally good relations with the rest of the Gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen, but his stern nature keeps him somewhat aloof from the mischievous antics of the other gods of the Hidden Kin. In particular, he is somewhat hostile to Baravar, disliking deceitfulness, and to a lesser extent Baervan Wildwanderer, disliking foolish pranks and other jests, and may work to thwart their plans if he learns of them. In times of danger for the Hidden Kin, however, Gaerdal works smoothly and easily with all nonevil Gnome gods. Among other pantheons, Gaerdal is closest in temperament with Heimdal, She'eros, Gorm Gulthyn, and Clangeddin Silverbeard. The Shield of the Golden Hills is ever vigilant against Urdlen’s insidious attacks, and he regularly battles with the gods of the kobold and goblin pantheons.

Personality Characteristics


Gaerdal Ironhand epitomizes the dwarfish traits among Gnome deities, rarely smiling and intensely serious, embodying sternness. He prioritizes his role as protector of Gnome burrows over frivolity, showing no tolerance for tricks or jokes. While some suggest he may chuckle in private, Gaerdal remains unsmiling in public. He frequently aids gnomes in readiness for battle.
The Stern;
Hammer of the Golden Hills;
Shieldbearer of the Gnomish Hills;
Warden of the Underground;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power and Aspect of Kord
Neutral Good
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Vigilance, combat, martial defense, War
Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, War
Iron band
Gnome Warriors, Protectors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Hammersong” (warhammer)
Holy Days


The Forges of the Golden Hills
This organization operates as a highly structured militant force, with semi-independent branches established in major gnome settlements. It's meticulously segmented into four distinct divisions based on expertise. Tasked with safeguarding the Hidden Kin from assailants, they also assume roles as leaders and commanders in any collective defense efforts undertaken by the gnomes during times of crisis.


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