Gillot de Troyes Character in Theras | World Anvil

Gillot de Troyes

The Judge of the Elves Gilaran

Gillot de Troyes was more careful and more amiable than his predecessor, Honnorée de l'Esclat. He had the benefit of his year as commander and had seen that the times of wars are over. He had taken his oath seriously until 971 AB, where he had longed returning to the Woodrealm, for his time in Holy State of Aluda'ar, was over.   It should be noted that Gillot was the one that had established the holy state and had many texts and books written for the Holy State, demanding many people to follow She'eros actively. Even though he was one of The Seldarine believers, he had done all he can to be as dutiful to the charge that She'eros had appointed him with and he was ardent and resolute for the god of loyalty, even though he wasn't a believer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gillot de Troyes was an outsider to Holy State of Aluda'ar and only came there with an expedition of elves. He was a commander of the Woodrealm, that came in 913 AB in order to strengthen the young state of Aluda'ar and began training and keeping the roads safe of monsters. When he was there, he had accompanied Honnorée de l'Esclat on many of her missions and skirmishes, so many time he saw here, that young human, taking charge against all odds and uniting the scattered, savage tribes of the young children there. Gilaran (as he was called back then), was there in the moment of Honnorée de l'Esclat death, and he had sweared, in front of the giants tribe there that he will have vengeance, for Honnorée was of pure heart. Then, when he was alone, She'eros light shone on him.
Year of Birth
870 AB 181 Years old
Aligned Organization


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