Grouium Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Grouium are orcs who often work as merceneries of various groups. Curiously enough, the Grouium, as befit their name are still seeing Gruumsh as the main deity, in contrast to other orcish populations in all of Epeoris, with Ilneval as the secondary patron.   The Grouium are seeing battle as the ultimate way to carry favour within their clans, often disregarding other orcs as inferior and weak.   The Grouium are highly sought after as merceneries for their natural strength and, somewhat unusual intelligence and wisdom make them terrible foes on the battlefield.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Grouium, often adopts family names, after the family they had found and killed in brutal combat or legendery battle.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Grouium are often celebrating their victories through games of intelligence in the Kaviri Highlands, seeing sometimes games of Dragonchess, as the ultimate prowess of themselves as warriors.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Grouium are celebrating births, often sacrifing humanoids, espacially elves if they could be found. They pay hefty sums for remnant of Wood Elves and Grey Elves, especially for those kind of celebrations, often depicting the mother after birth or the father fighting them to the death.


Beauty Ideals

The Grouium, as unlike other orcs, do not see other races as desireables, often disregarding half-orcs as weakling and not something to be proud of.
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities
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