Daonioum Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Daonioum are matriarchy ruled orcish clans in the northern part of Epeoris.   The Daonioum are ruled prominently by the Orcish female, often the mystics and sometimes the sorcerers of those groups, with few being Psions and are worshipping primarily Luthic, Nyxgaas and Yurtrus as their main gods, honoring Gruumsh only on holidays.   The Daoniuoum are the only orcish societies that have cities in the lands of Epeoris.  


The Daoniuoum are rumored to be who were exiled from the southern reaches, presumably the Kaviri Highlands and they share their intelligent upbringing. The Daoniuoum often send the Orcish male to redundant missions, and often suicidal, in actuality, getting rid of the more powerful orcish male who can't be ruled, g.


Art & Architecture

The Daonioum are highly artistic, often finding solace and even carnivals where their people show their art. Sometimes art is crude as you can expect it, but the true mystery is that often, sometimes in every few years, their art is highly sought after and is sold at a premium, of oten tens of thousands of gold pieces.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Daonioum, often find themsleves in a connundrum, whenever they meet Mith-Quessir, not able to control their bloodlust for elves, they often treat them as sacrifical offering to their gods or perhaps hostages that they can negotiate with.
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