Mojigin Khanboroldi Character in Theras | World Anvil

Mojigin Khanboroldi

Warlord Mojigin Boroldikhan was the commander of the Hematite Yotsereg, subservient to the Emerald Yotsereg and its General under the God King, Zhebaghi Kopjakhan. He was reanimated together with his yotsereg by Dara Colcamin to serve Clochdor and the Principality of Sabersycha.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mojigin was an innovative commander able to capitilize on the resources he had and to utilize novel ideas. He had a unique ability to assess the battlefield and to act according to field intelligence, as he did during the Siege of Clochdor Castle; he understood the importance of engaging during daytime, using the Savaspikeris under his command to enable a fast march that caught the defenders undermanned and unprepared; he also knew of the weaknesses and strengths of his enemies, and chained ballista bolts to literally crush the reanimated skeletons defending the castle; knowing of Dara's ability to quickly reanimate, he equipped every tenth Diilenkhari with a soul siphoning axe that captured his soul when he was decapitated.   The Hematite Yotsereg's destruction and Mojigin's death were both percieved as a great loss to the Yokun Empire; even when disregarding the massive loss of lives, Mojigin was one of the empire's most promising commanders and was often compared with God King Biylhosten Ashnokovy, and his death was a massive and unpredictable blow.   Unlike the majority of his forces trapped within the castle's ground, Mojigin refused to retreat, as he correctly deduced that interrupting Dara and his spell would cause Dara to lose the advantage. Though he managed to land several blows that would have disabled a living foe, he failed to break Dara's concentration, and was overwhelmed by the undead. The Lord Colcamin had a letter describing his bravery and tenacity sent to Zhebaghi Kopjakhan, both commending Mojigin and taunting his general.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Death
25th of Coppernium
1011 AB 1050 AB 39 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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