Kirart Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Kirart, a nation within The Free Marches, is shrouded in mystery and darkness. Rumors persist that it is under the influence of a powerful being, possibly a demon or chromatic dragon. The nation has become infested with Blood Magic, with practitioners of this forbidden art gaining significant power and influence. In response to external threats, Kirart has recently begun fortifying itself and establishing alliances, particularly against Nova Terra de Sacnta, a nation ruled by mage haters and mage hunters.   Within Kirart, blood magic is both revered and feared. The practitioners of this forbidden art hold significant sway and status within the nation, exploiting their magical abilities to gain power and influence. Blood rituals, sacrifices, and dark ceremonies are said to be commonplace, further reinforcing the nation's reputation as a hub of blood magic.


The true nature of Kirart's ruler or ruling entity remains shrouded in secrecy, with only rumors and speculations circulating among the people of the Free Marches. Some believe that a powerful demon or chromatic dragon holds dominion over Kirart, while others suggest that it may be a collective of dark mages who have gained control over the nation. Regardless, the influence of Blood Magic is pervasive within Kirart, fueling its practices and shaping its society.

Foreign Relations

Kirart had in the 11th century AB recently begun fortifying itself and establishing alliances, particularly against the neighboring nation that occupies the lands of Nova Terra. It is likely that Kirart seeks to expand its reach and consolidate its power, using its mastery of blood magic as a formidable weapon against its adversaries.   The other nations of The Free Marches view Kirart with suspicion and apprehension due to its association with blood magic. They perceive Kirart as a potential threat and maintain a cautious distance from the nation. However, the allure of forbidden knowledge and the potential for tapping into the raw power of blood magic also draw curious individuals who seek to uncover its secrets or harness its power for their own purposes.
Founding Date
711 BB
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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