Astrylonde Organization in Theras | World Anvil


One of the nations within the The Free Marches is Astrylonde, governed by a league of assassins. They hold deep reverence for Erins The Silent Death and Masech. Astrylonde embraces the clandestine arts and covert operations, using their skills to maintain control and influence within the Free Marches.   Astrylonde is a mysterious and enigmatic nation, with its borders shrouded in secrecy. The general populace is aware of its existence, but the inner workings and daily life within Astrylonde remain largely hidden from outsiders. The league of assassins maintains a strict hierarchy, with leaders known as Grandmasters overseeing operations and training the next generation of skilled killers.


While Astrylonde's rulers are assassins, they do not necessarily engage in nefarious activities. The nation's focus is primarily on maintaining balance and order through covert means. They eliminate threats to the nation and its interests, often acting as silent protectors and enforcers of justice. The league of assassins operates with meticulous precision, adhering to a strict moral code that guides their actions.


The nation's governance is based on a code of honor and secrecy. The league of assassins follows strict traditions and protocols that have been passed down through generations. Assassinations are carried out with precision and purpose, often serving the interests of the nation or fulfilling secretive agendas.
Founding Date
963 BB
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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