Shadowgulch Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Shadowgulch stands in stark contrast with its strong anti-mage policies. This nation holds authority within the The Free Marches and actively works to combat and eradicate Blood Magic. They view mages as a threat and have implemented stringent measures to control and regulate magical practices within their borders.


In Shadowgulch, mages are heavily regulated and closely monitored. The nation's policies aim to prevent the misuse and abuse of magic, particularly Blood Magic, which is seen as a grave threat to society. The governing body of Shadowgulch consists of leaders who are knowledgeable in anti-magic techniques and practices, forming an organization known as the Magehunters. These Magehunters are trained to identify, confront, and neutralize mages who engage in forbidden magic, ensuring the safety and stability of the nation.

Public Agenda

The citizens of Shadowgulch, while living in a society with strict regulations, take pride in their role as defenders against blood magic. They understand the dangers it poses and the potential for corruption that accompanies it. The nation invests heavily in training its citizens to be vigilant and knowledgeable about identifying signs of blood magic and reporting them to the authorities.

Foreign Relations

Shadowgulch's policies extend beyond its own borders within the Free Marches. The nation actively collaborates with other nations and organizations that share its anti-mage sentiments, forming alliances to combat the spread of blood magic and its practitioners. Their authority within the Free Marches allows them to exercise influence and take proactive measures in eliminating blood magic threats in neighboring nations.
Founding Date
150 AB
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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