Sweustein Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Sweustein resembles the holy nation of Themis and Heimdall. It is a place of devotion and religious fervor. Sweustein's people follow the teachings and customs of these deities, emphasizing justice, righteousness, and protection. The nation serves as a bastion of faith and acts as a counterbalance to the prevalence of blood magic within the Free Marches.


The nation is governed by a theocratic system, where the religious authorities hold significant influence over the state's affairs. Priests and clerics play a crucial role in Sweustein's governance, acting as advisors to the ruling class and guiding the nation's policies. The government prioritizes the protection of holy sites, the promotion of religious doctrines, and the enforcement of divine laws. Sweustein's citizens are encouraged to lead virtuous lives and uphold the values dictated by their faith.

Demography and Population

Sweustein also has a reputation for producing formidable holy warriors and paladins who embody the divine virtues they worship. These holy defenders serve as protectors of the nation and defenders of the faith, upholding justice and righteousness in the face of threats. The nation's military forces are often organized around religious orders, blending martial prowess with spiritual devotion.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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