Albirni Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Albirni are people who orignate from the Grand Duchy of Albiril and are usually suspecting of strangers. The Albirni are people of mixture of divine and primal beliefs.   The population of Albrini, are militarlistic in their approach to their neigbors of the east and very much hostile to any ships coming from Gontal.  

Social Classes

The Albirni, are directly descended from Menedynn and mixed with Lindish blood.   They have a huge respect for their skill and ability and they are generally broken up into the nobility and commoners. There are many crafters and crafthouses (similiar to guilds), who make up a highly valued middle tier between the lowest noble and the highest common classes. They have total power over certain industries in their culture.   Beneath the crafthouses, the population is subdivided into common classes called High Freemen and Low Freemen. High freemen are comprised of freeholders (land owners), soldiers and other employed individuals. Low freemen are made up of criminals, prostitutes and minorities. For all that, all freemen are allowed to live and go where they wish, and make a living as they will. There are no serfs in the Grand Duchy of Albiril; all are paid in coin or barter for their work  

Significance of Dogs

Albirnis hold a distinct reverence for dogs, stemming from their historical utility in detecting werewolves and protecting farmholds. Dogs are prevalent among both nobles and common folk, becoming a tradition dating back to the Lindish tribes.   Families often believe they share a kinship with their dogs, reinforcing their integral role in military strategy and Albirni armies.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Nobles bear formal surnames, while commoners may adopt last names associated with noble lineage, foreign heritage, land possession, or historical titles conferred upon their family members. In cases where such distinctions do not apply, Albirni commoners often identify themselves by referencing their place of origin or their occupation. For instance, introductions might include names like Gareth of Oldwein or Rolo Carpetweaver.


Common Etiquette rules

When dealing with Albirnis, few things are certain. Loyalty is their most prized possession, valued above wealth, power, and even reason. Though possessing little of note in their eyes, they fiercely cherish their accomplishments. Insulting their beloved dogs is akin to a declaration of war. And perhaps the greatest folly is believing you have truly understood these enigmatic people. Their unpredictable nature and deeply rooted values ensure that Albirnis will always remain a fascinating, captivating contradiction.

Foods & Cuisine

Albirni cuisine is characterized as hearty and humble, with a penchant for turnips. Traditional dishes include the popular Albiril Lamb and Pea Stew, Albiril Turnip and Barley Stew, and Albirni Potato and Leek Soup. Barley and wheat are staple grains, with barley often used in many dishes. Albirni people are known for their love of cheese and bacon, while pickled eggs serve as a common folk remedy. Nugs, in the form of nug bacon and egg pie, are a traditional dish, and Albril is renowned for its ripe cheeses and rich pies.


Beauty Ideals

Albirni Shirelady, clad in armor and ceremonial clothes
  Most Albirni, have some figments of red hair and many of them are red-headed, some even have fiery like features, tracing their lineage (presumably) from the Zarakshan Daominion.
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