Murkburrow Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Murkburrow is the biggest town in Hirch Thani and the seat of trade in the eastern part of the Triangle of the Hirch Thani.   During The Invasion of the Plane of Shadow to Hirch Thani the adventuring party Six of the Hill destroyed a temple of Nyx and had the town free from the shadowplane effects - a deed that earned the party the name Morning Stars and champions of Helios.


Long ago, in the remote border of the Arasil and Gontal, there stood a proud dwarven settlement known as Murkburrow. The dwarves had built their city upon the ruins of an ancient elven civilization, delving deep into the earth to extract the precious minerals that lay beneath.   For centuries, the dwarves of Murkburrow thrived. They built grand halls and intricate tunnels, and their city became a hub of trade and industry. But as time passed, the dwarves began to notice a strange darkness creeping into their city. It was as if the shadows themselves were growing deeper and more oppressive.   At first, the dwarves shrugged off the darkness as a mere inconvenience. But as the shadows continued to spread, they began to realize that something was very wrong. They consulted their seers and sages, but no one could explain the source of the darkness.   One day, a human army came to Murkburrow. They had heard of the city's wealth and sought to claim it for themselves. The dwarves fought bravely, but they were no match for the human's superior numbers. In the end, the dwarves were forced to flee their beloved city, leaving it in the hands of the humans.   But the dwarves had not been the only ones to notice the darkness. The humans quickly discovered that the shadows that had engulfed Murkburrow were not just a mere inconvenience, but something far more sinister. The shadows were alive, and they had a will of their own. They whispered dark promises to the humans, tempting them with power and wealth.   The humans of Murkburrow, seduced by the shadows, gave in to their greed and began to exploit the city's resources without regard for the consequences. But their greed was short-lived. The shadows, having consumed the city, began to consume the humans as well. The city became a place of darkness and despair, a city of shadows where nothing lived, only the shadows and the ghosts of what once was.   At the height of its power, the City held over 12,000 people plus few thosuand on the outskirts, maintaining the farm lands. This speculation is from the year 1,032 AB, however since the rise of The Stag Lord, people migrated outside to Arasilians held lands.   In Bazingadail 1051, Murkburrow was almost a ghost city, a city of 2,500 people that disappeared into the realm of shadow, and it is said that the shadows still whisper, luring travelers and adventurers to the city, but only a few return, and those who do, return with tales of horror, and the city remains a dark and dangerous place, a warning for those who seek to exploit the power of the shadows.
Founding Date
976 AB
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