Andantilus Character in Theras | World Anvil



Andantilus was a wizard of the greatest order of Robes of the Platinum Conclave sent to establish a borderline state between the lands of Esha and the Ameros.   Andantilus was a reknown researcher of the Ordosi Swear of Fealty and the Ordo Crusaders, and he understood the reason and that if he takes into consideration some parts of the Oath of Edrahil and parts of the Ordosi Swear of Fealty, he can truly create a culture that would unify all the denizens of Ultok Rojag.   Andatilus had received the highest of honor, establishing a state the Arasilians respected as the Chancellery of Rhovasil were a society of warriors, held by honor, though different their own honor, the Arasilians respect their warlike ways.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Andantilus was a wizard that had come to a foreign land, where he had to come with a solution with the barbarians hordes there. He had to deal with the creed of the Sirilians of old, known as the Ordosi.   However, since his ascension to be their leader and unifier, he accidently or maybe intentionally, founded the Neo-Ordo Crusaders.
Lawful Good
821 AB 1051 AB 230 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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