Oceanus Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Oceanus is a river, that connects many ofd the upper planes and was again connected by Sashelas after Separation by Spear.   Oceanus begins from Elysium, more like pulsing from the heart of Thalasia.


From its starting point of Thalasia, Oceanus flows like a celestial serpent, meandering through Belierin, Eronia, and Amoria before reaching Krigala. Here, its waters swell with tributaries from the verdant Brux. Finally, it graces the vibrant plains of Arvandor before emptying into Aquallor, Arborea's second layer.   However, the Oceanus possess a cyclical nature. Powerful maelstroms at Aquallor's depths returns travelers to the river's headwaters in Thalasia, creating a perpetual flow that defies the notions of beginning and end.   Near Arborea, the river's current faintly brushed against the Gates of the Moon in Ysgard's first layer, hinting at a connection dependent upon the lunar tides.   The banks of the Oceanus are a tapestry of bustling towns and villages. These communities thrive under the river's life-giving influence, and their docks are perpetually filled with boats ready to ferry travelers or carry goods. Renting or hiring a vessel is a breeze, ensuring seamless exploration of the celestial waterway.

Fauna & Flora

The Oceanus is most known for its Oceanus Dragons, who serve as the vigilant protectors of the river. Their watchful eyes guard against malevolent entities and ensure the safety of those navigating the celestial waterway.   In addition, there are the Songsharks (delphons), who are veiled in an aura of mystery, these singing creatures reside within the river's depths. Their enchanting melodies hold secrets about the Oceanus itself and even the workings of the multiverse. Careful listeners who gain the trust of a delphon might be privy to these profound revelations.   There ar e many more creatures, such as Asrai, graceful aquatic beings, share the river with balaena, colossal whales that dwarf even the largest ships. Playful dolphins can be seen frolicking alongside beautiful nereids, while selkies, beings who could transform between seal and humanoid forms, can be spotted basking on the riverbanks. Even aquatic elves, attuned to the rhythm of the celestial river, call the Oceanus home.


The Oceanus offers more than just a breathtaking vista. Its sweet, fragrant waters nurture the land and serve as the primary mode of transportation within Elysium. Travelers can navigate its calm surface and explore the diverse landscapes that unfolds along its banks.   The journey along the Oceanus isn't without its challenges. While pirate raids are a non-existent threat, powerful rapids, swirling eddies, and lurking predators pose a constant danger.


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