Riklin Character in Theras | World Anvil


Sir, Count

Sir Riklin, of the Order of the Golden Swan, is a reknown knight and count in the Kingdom of Arasil. Sir Riklin is quite unique in his view and is always on the move with his adventuring party.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Riklin was knighted at quite a young age of 17, way before Arasilians and was always considered a prodigy. While Sir Riklin is no Paladin, he is mostly regarded as such by his peers, for they never caught him telling a lie.   Many years ago, his wife was killed as retribution for his acts for hunting vampires and successfuly destroying 2 dens. He seems reluctant to discuss this experience as he blames himself for this act.   Sir Riklin was very close friend with a gnome, who everyone called "Grabbick" and Grabbick was the one that allowed Riklin's County to become so advanced in terms of military, agricultural technology.

Wealth & Financial state

Sir Riklin made his fortune in cattle husbandry in Abaisgar and is a member of the Arasil's Association of Agriculture and Arable Lands. He was known to have a large army, well beyond the standards of the The Guilds of Arasil and Arasilian Grand Military Orders.
Year of Birth
986 AB 65 Years old
Aligned Organization


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