Arasilian Grand Military Orders Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Arasilian Grand Military Orders

The Arasilian Grand Military Orders, often abbreviated as AGMO is the general name of the combined branches of the armies of Arasil.   It should be noted that each duchie has its own army, however The Guilds of Arasil had demanded standards from The Silver Chalice for which they should have one command structure, plans. The standards also require the Nobility of Arasil to manage their troops accordingly, making sure they are are fit for duty by training periodically, adequate equipment and making sure they have also reserve forces to fulfill peacekeeping missions if there is an emergency for which their soldiers are recruited for.


The AGMO is structured as follows:
  • Grand Armies of the Araso - The Main Body and most numerous of the Forces - It should be noted even though the army is organized as such, not all type of units are required to be at active duty, except for peacekeeping.
  • Protecting Wings of Arasil - The Less common and most prestigious of all of Arasil.
  • The Sovereign Warhost - The Warhost of the Sovereign consist of a special structure, which consists of combination between Air and Land forces.
  • Pearlwing Aramada - The independent navy force of Arasil.


One oif the many assets of the Military is the Order of the Brass Talon, which is independent organization and supply it with its own intelligence.

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