Grand Armies of the Araso Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Grand Armies of the Araso

The Grand Armies of the Araso, often abbreviated as GAA, is the name of the land forces of the Kingdom of Arasil.   In addition, and in peacetime The Grand Armies of the Araso has 3 main segments, with which they operate currently and most often, as the need for organized army is rarely used, except for the south, where skirmishes with Sirilians are quite often.  

The Three Segments

  • Light Infantry Rangers - Which operate in mountains and hilly areas, and also in many various outposts of the realm. The Arasilian also use those regiments in the heavily forests to the north.
  • Heavy Cavalry - The Arasilisch usually operate in the plains, where they can utilize their powerful cavalry.
    Sometimes, The Arasilisch are known to use Kataphracts to smash their enemies with mobility.
  • Dragoons - The Arasilisch know that speed and mobility is the essence to warfare, so they use their trained and superior soldiers to arrive to locations very much quickly, fresh and ready to dismount and wreck havoc on their enemies who expect heavy, slow and heavy infantry lagging behind
  In addition to these segments, the AGMO is heavily relaying upon combination of Divine magic from Clerics in support, defense and attack to the military, while also having special commando units composed of Magi, and Wizards and Sorcerers who are offering support in the arcane dominion.


The Field Marshal is the supreme commander The Grand Armies of the lands are the ground forces of the Arasilian, often structured as follows:
  1. Army - Each commanded by General and consisting of 2-4 Horns.
  2. Horn of Arasil - Each Commanded by Brigadier Lord and consiting of 2-4 Regiments.
  3. Regiment - Each Commanded by a Knight Commander and consisting of 2-3 Wings.
  4. Wing - Each commanded by a Knight Captain and consisting of 2-12 Shields.
  5. Shield - Each Commanded by Knight of the Charge and consisting of 2-4 Claws.
  6. Claw - Each Commanded by a Knight of the Lance and consist of additional 8-10 Foot Soldiers or other Auxilary troops.


Overall Strategy
The Current Agenda of the Grand Army is to make raiding not profitable for their enemies. Thats why the army needs to quickly reorganize itself, to evacuate rich farm lands, taking the aid of the Clergy of Thea, where their clerics use their spells to hasten the growing process and reap the grain, pick the fruits and vegetable..   In addition, the Arasilian Grand army is very much better equiped to hold positions at key advantage points, various forts, castle and fortresses and even nautral areas until reinforncement, usually Dragoons, hurry and reinforce them.  
Intelligence and Alliances
The Arasilian Grand Army is heavily dependent on actual intelligence, using the Order of the Brass Talon and various spells, air reconissance.
The Arasilian has many beacons along their borders, some of them are false and some are true, so the enemy will not be able to discern which beacon says what.
Thirdly, the Arasilian are using fast steeds in order to hasten messages from station to station - however, this method is seldom at use, since the Grand Army has alot of auxillary units, such as clerics, magi and wizards who deploy spells and magic in order to deliver such messages.   The Arasilian Grand army is also conducting various training in Strategos Ascendant Institute with various allies such as @corp, The Hosts of Amon-Thal and Khazad-Ram regularly against potential threats.


When there is a draft for upcoming war, in addition to the regulars of the army, the reserve forces, which usually compose of older soldiers and incapable recruits are staying behind, handling the peacekeeping duties. However, since 839 AB of The Silver Chalice, had commisioned many Sentinel Guardians in many of the key areas in order to help the reserve forces, if such a need comes.


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