The Copper Company Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Copper Company

The Copper Company were a company of adventurers from the 8th century that were a successful party that had created many ballads, myths and uncovered many truths about the continent of Rakion, including the liberation of Kyth academies in the continent from evil arcane users.
The Copper Company has many generations of aspiring adventurers, however, this article discusses the original.   Notable members are:
Sir Guillaume the wrathbringer, a servant of Bahamut, platinum knight, kingsguard, Baron of Nars Fields, rider Of Draxxes the Bronze, knight of the the Silver Crown.
Sir Guillaume, was the field marshal of the copper company, after the previous field marshal died. His deeds are many and he reached the old age of 270, blessed with youth after his training as a platinum knight, he led his regiments to the underdark to support the Minotaurs that dwelt there. He died during the battle of the bridge defending the dwarven clan of Cathil. Sir Guillaume led the charge against the Barbarians of the land of Siril during the dragon wars and killed their prince in a duel that lasted for 2 days. His daughter married the prince of Arasil in 856 AB.  
Sir Daniel the brave, a servant of She'eros, Lieutenant Knight of the Copper Company, crusader of the cities of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira, knight of the order of Silver Crown.
Daniel was a Human knight, not blessed by long life, but skilled as the best elven warrior. Daniel fought during the rebellion in Celtira and single handed defended the bridge against the gnoll hordes. Daniel died of old age during our journey into the depths. Daniel was the fifth cousin of the king of Aluda'ar. Daniel was the dragon rider of Ulthinarxelin the Gold. Sir Daniel was succeeded by his daughter who married the second princess to the Northern Duchy. Here was buried also his wife, Emilia knight of the order of the Talon.  
Duke Suriel the Half-Elven, a servant of Hlal, The famed knight of the Bronze company and the copper company, the OrcBane, knight of the Order of the Platinum Lion
  Duke Suriel was the dragon rider of Malkas, the Copper, the Orc bane and the Duke of the North. Suriel joined the crusades of the Copper Company and was given the rank of the Platinum Lion due to his inherent wisdom as cleric of Adis. Suriel Led the assault and conquered the Ilithid city that dominated the Minotaurs of the Dark, during which he died.  
Prince Aktal of Calimshan, a servant of Themis, The famed knight of Silver Crown, company and the copper company, the Giantslayer
Prince Aktal was a priest of Themis, the undead slayer of the North, bringer of justice to the eight kingdoms. Aktal was the son of a Buqmatian tribe and the prince of a beautiful city, ransacked by pirates. Aktal joined the Arasilian navy in order to avenge his dying wish. Prince Aktal was not succeeded by anyone, though records say he had many children out of wedlock. Here one of his mistress is buried, the beautiful half-elf warrior of Sune.
Lady Aninarii, the dark lady and the redemption maker
During the wars against the dark elves that were led by Shany, Aninarii was found and converted to the church of Eilistraee. Sir Aninarii was knighted by Sir Guillaume to be knight of the Order of the Silver Crown and she led their parties in many victories against the dark elves and even succeeded in freeing some of them from the reign of Lolth. Sir Aninarii was sacrificed to Lolth and Sir Guillaume and Lady Shany went to the Abyss to save her soul from torture.  
Lady Commander Burnham, Paladin of the Lendys, General and kingsguard of the Arasilian Regiment of the Southland, the first undead hunter of the Order of the Silver Crown wife of Sir Guillaume.
The Aasimar Burnham, took her people of the southland during the plague there against the necromancers and the vampires that ruled the southlands. Burhmam took diplomacy into her hands and convinced a portion of celestial peers to join their crusade to cleanse the south. During her quest, the Great Wyrm Rakshinxx the Golden which wrecked the villages in order to cleanse the undead threat. Her ambitions drove the aristocracy to destroy the farmers through her genius. Burnham was not buried here as her body was never found in the depth of the underdark. Her dragon Cornilus the silver went without her back to Arasil.  
Lady Commander Shany, Paladin of Helios, the great peacemaker, the young and ambitious, great unifier of the isles, first lady of the Order of the Platinum Lion.
The Aasimar Twin of Burnham, she was the one that brought the celestial to other causes of the Arasilian dynasty. She was ever in distrust with Burnham in her regards to the peasentry and only joined the copper company in order to bring peace to the dark elves raids. She joined the war in the Ilithid city and led the company in many hunts against the Drows, only to be fell by a matron and a powerful priestess of Lolth. Lady Shany was resurrected. She was not buried here in the tombs after her dragon was killed.

823 AB - 870 AB

Notable Members

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