Southshire Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Southshire the fabled home of Ervenius, the only deity on the Material Plane Plane, after banishing all their main divine essence and finally succeeding with the Divine Gate.   In the wake of his transformation, Ervenius used his divine prowess and wisdom to establish a nation known as Southshire. This nation, built upon the principles of divine guidance and celestial protection, stands as a testament to his enduring presence and commitment to his mortal followers.   Southshire is a realm of unparalleled beauty and tranquility - rumored to be Helena's bastion as well, guarded by celestial beings and entities hailing from the upper planes of existence. These guardians, imbued with immense power and righteousness, are tasked with safeguarding the realm and its inhabitants against any threats that may arise - espacially incursions from powerful forces of Esha, Sofel and Ameros.


The nation of Southshire is not only a haven of divine protection but also a beacon of enlightenment and spiritual growth. Its inhabitants, guided by the teachings and principles laid down by Ervenius, strive to embody the virtues of compassion, wisdom, and justice. The demi-god's divine influence resonates throughout the land, inspiring its people to lead virtuous and purposeful lives.   Within Southshire, temples and sanctuaries dedicated to Ervenius serve as centers of worship and divine communion. Here, devout followers and visitors alike seek solace, guidance, and divine blessings, forging a deep connection with the demi-god who has bridged the mortal and divine realms.


Among the guardians of Northshire are celestial hosts. Their presence ensures that Northshire remains a bastion of safety, where peace and harmony flourish under the divine influence of Ervenius.

Foreign Relations

Southshire and The Bafigron Empire share a strong alliance built on mutual respect and cooperation. While Southshire is not subservient or a vassal state of Bafigorn, the two nations have fostered a deep bond characterized by shared values, common goals, and strategic collaboration.   Southshire's celestial guardians and their formidable power serve as a valuable asset to the alliance - espacially after the destruction of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira. Their presence bolsters the military might and defense capabilities of Bafigorn, enhancing the security of the empire and its territories. In turn, Bafigorn provides diplomatic support, resources, and aid to Southshire, ensuring its continued prosperity and safeguarding its borders.

Trade & Transport

Trade and cultural exchanges flourish between Northshire and The Bafigron Empire, enriching both nations economically and socially.
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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