The Arbitrium Alliance Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Arbitrium Alliance

The Arbitrium Alliance is the national guild of lawyers, advocates and aribters in Kingdom of Arasil.   While most guilds have existed since the 10th Century AB, this guild has existed since the 9th century AB.  

Organization Structure

High Council

The High Council consists of the most experienced and respected members of The Arbitrium Alliance. They make important decisions, set policies, and oversee the overall functioning of the guild - the most important roles are the Guildmaster and Vice Guildmaster.  
The Guildmaster is the leader of The Arbitrium Alliance. They are responsible for representing the guild externally, managing day-to-day operations, and ensuring the guild's mission and values are upheld.  
Vice Guildmaster
The Vice Guildmaster assists the Guildmaster in their duties and acts as a second-in-command. They may also take over the Guildmaster's responsibilities in their absence.  
Senior Attorneys
Each department is led by a Senior Attorney who is experienced and highly knowledgeable in their respective area of law. They oversee the department's operations, mentor junior attorneys, and ensure quality legal services.  
Attorneys are the core members of The Arbitrium Alliance. They handle cases, provide legal advice, and represent clients in various legal matters.  
Junior Attorneys
Junior Attorneys are relatively new members of the guild who are still gaining experience and expertise. They work under the guidance of Senior Attorneys and gradually take on more responsibilities as they progress in their careers.  
Researchers and Support Staff
The Arbitrium Alliance may employ researchers and support staff who assist attorneys with legal research, administrative tasks, document preparation, and other necessary functions.  


The Arbitrium Alliance can be divided into several specialized departments based on different areas of law. Some of the departments are:  
Civil Litigation
The Civil Litigation Depratments handles disputes and lawsuits between individuals or organizations.  
Criminal Defense
The Criminal Defense provides legal representation for individuals accused of crimes.  
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Mediation and Alternative Dispture resoulation department Offers alternative methods for resolving conflicts outside of court. This includes trained mediators and negotiators work to find mutually beneficial solutions for all parties involved.  
Investigating Branch
This is a branch that is independent of the Arasilian law enforcing entities. They go out and obtain evidence on their own - their findings are usually given only to the guild and not shared with the courts of law.  
Training and Development
The Training and Development Department Provides ongoing legal education and training programs for guild members and conducts workshops, seminars, and mentoring sessions to enhance skills and knowledge.  
Corporate Law
The Corporate Law department is situated in The Rich Shore of Abaisgar and they only few lawyers there locally for representing Arasilians and their interest. This department focuses on legal matters related to businesses and corporations.  
Magical Law
The Magical Law Department specializes in laws and regulations related to magic and its usage - This includes Primal, Arcane and Divine.  
International Law
The International Law department deals with legal issues that cross national borders and handles international treaties and agreements. They usually accompany the dukes and the Viceroy of Arasil.  
Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee ensures that guild members adhere to ethical standards and professional conduct. They investigate complaints, conduct disciplinary hearings if necessary, and impose appropriate actions or sanctions when violations occur.  
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee ensures adherence to the guild's code of conduct and professional ethics, reviews complaints or allegations of misconduct within the guild and onducts investigations and recommends appropriate actions or disciplinary measures.  
Guild Envoys
The Guild usually nominates envoys, who act as representatives of The Arbitrium Alliance in negotiations, collaborations, and external matters, maintain relationships with other guilds, organizations, and governmental bodies and promote the guild's interests and seek opportunities for growth and professional development.  

Public Agenda

  The public agenda of The Arbitrium Alliance encompasses several key objectives that the guild actively promotes and advocates for:  
  • Upholding Justice
    The guild is dedicated to upholding the principles of justice and fairness of Kingdom of Arasil and their patron god, Bahamut. It strives to ensure that the rights of individuals are protected, and that legal processes are conducted in a just and impartial manner.
  • Legal Education and Awareness
    The Arbitrium Alliance aims to educate the public about their legal rights and responsibilities. It conducts outreach programs, workshops, and seminars to promote legal literacy and empower individuals to navigate the legal system with confidence.
  • Ethical Practice
    The guild places a strong emphasis on maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct among its members. It actively promotes integrity, honesty, and transparency in legal practice, and takes disciplinary action against any member found in violation of ethical guidelines.
  • Access to Justice
    The Arbitrium Alliance strives to ensure that legal services are accessible to all members of society, regardless of their background or financial means. It supports pro bono initiatives, legal aid programs, and advocates for reforms that make justice more accessible and affordable.
  • Legislative Advocacy
    The guild actively engages in legislative advocacy to shape and improve the laws of the Kingdom of Arasil. It provides expert input and recommendations to lawmakers on legal issues, advocating for laws that are fair, equitable, and in line with the needs of society.
  • Professional Development
    The Arbitrium Alliance is committed to the ongoing professional development of its members. It provides training programs, continuing education opportunities, and platforms for knowledge exchange to ensure that its lawyers are equipped with the latest legal knowledge and skills. Its also the governing body for accepting attorneys and giving licenses. Anyone caught practicing law without being a guild member, is subject to a large fine, imprisonment and sometimes it can result in capital punishment.
  • Collaboration and Cooperation
    The guild promotes collaboration and cooperation with other legal organizations, guilds, and institutions. It seeks opportunities for partnerships that strengthen the legal profession and foster a supportive and inclusive legal community.
  By pursuing these public agenda items, The Arbitrium Alliance aims to enhance the overall legal landscape, contribute to the betterment of society, and establish itself as a leading force in the realm of law and justice in the Kingdom of Arasil.  

Secrets of the Organization

Unknown to many, The leadership of the Guild is dominated by Werebears. Every Senior Attorney upon his admittance, is inflicted with Lycanthropy in order to preserve justice, either he is willing or not to go through the transofrmation. While the guild does its best to ensure justice is served for all. There is a great correlation between cases where attorneys, whether they are defense or not, come upon evidence that is incrimating and after the sentence is publicly and justly delivered and attacks of Werebears.   Many times, the Guild hires Witchers to find those werebears after witnesses found them - However, the Witchers only remotely come with a werebear in hands, not divulging any information they came upon.
Founding Date
873 AB
Guild, Professional
Parent Organization


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