The Elemental Convergence Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Elemental Convergence

The Elemental Convergence is the First of the Kin Wars, starting in 15,500 BB and involved the complete Eradication of the Elemental Elves.

The Conflict


The Elemental Elves were not merely defenders of the natural elements but wielders of immense elemental power themselves. Their mastery over earth, air, fire, and water went far beyond what was known by any other elven faction. They harnessed these forces with a sinister intent, seeking to reshape the realms according to their own twisted vision.     The conflict escalated when the High Elves attempted to harness the elemental powers for their own purposes, leading to a fierce resistance from the Elemental Elves who believed in maintaining their own natural powers and seeking dominance, fearing the ambition of the High Elves.   So many 3 hundred into the War, the Elemental Elves, delved into forbidden arcane practices and dark rituals, tapping into the primal energies in ways that defied natural laws. They sought to manipulate and control the elements, not for the purpose of balance, but to sow chaos and destruction. Their magic was tainted, infused with dark energies that twisted the very fabric of reality and to obtain complete control over the Sehan Elves and High Elves. It should be noted that they waged wars against other civilizations and races. They unleashed devastating elemental storms, razed entire cities with torrents of flame, and caused massive earthquakes that shook the foundations of the realms. The Maleficarum reveled in the suffering and fear they instilled in their enemies, feeding off the dark energy that emanated from their destructive acts.


The High Elves, realizing the grave threat posed by the Maleficarum, were forced to ally with other races and factions that shared their goal of stopping the Elemental Elves' rampage. It became a desperate battle against overwhelming elemental power, as the Maleficarum displayed unparalleled mastery over their chosen elements.   This war had the Sehan Elves Forces coming forth and back from various Planes, leading the High Elves with them to obliterate the Elemental Elves utterly, destroying various elven gods that had taken the Maleficarum.


The Battlefields were numerous and most of them were in Thalasindor and in many remote places in the world as the attacks of the Maleficarum were on the lands of Thalasindor and their counter attacks were on their place of residency and the many planes, demi-planes and the four elemental planes.

The Engagement

Maleficarum Strartegies
  • Unleashing Elemental Assaults: The Maleficarum harnessed their corrupted elemental powers to unleash devastating attacks on their enemies. They summoned raging storms, torrents of fire, and cataclysmic earthquakes, aiming to overwhelm and terrify their opponents.
  • Guerilla Tactics: The Maleficarum employed hit-and-run tactics, utilizing their mastery over the elements to strike swiftly and disappear into the environment. They ambushed their foes, using sudden elemental disturbances to disorient and confuse their enemies.
  • Elemental Manipulation: The Maleficarum useed their magic to manipulate the environment, turning the very terrain against their adversaries. They raised earth barriers, create pockets of vacuum, or conjure illusions to deceive and trap their opponents.
The Astrylond and Aelindor Alliance Strategies
  • Tactical Coordination:The High Elves organized their forces with meticulous precision, coordinating strikes and maneuvers to counter the Maleficarum's destructive onslaught. They relied on teamwork and cooperation, ensuring that each unit worked in harmony with others.
  • Magical Shields and Wards: Knowing the Maleficarum's affinity for elemental magic, the High Elves developed powerful protective spells and enchantments. These magical shields and wards mitigated the impact of the Maleficarum's elemental attacks, allowing their forces to withstand the onslaught.
  • Archery and Ranged Warfare: The High Elves excelled in archery and ranged combat, using their superior accuracy and agility to engage the Maleficarum from a distance. They would rain down volleys of arrows and projectiles, aiming to disrupt the Maleficarum's spellcasting and weaken their forces.
  • Strategic Retreats: The High Elves recognized that direct confrontation with the Maleficarum's overwhelming power be suicidal. They strategically withdrew when necessary, luring the Maleficarum into disadvantageous positions and exploiting their vulnerabilities.


Even with their superior strength, the Maleficarum's insatiable hunger for power proved to be their downfall. Their corruption and thirst for destruction consumed them from within, leading to internal conflicts and a lack of unity among their ranks. The High Elves and their allies seized this opportunity to mount a coordinated assault, exploiting the Maleficarum's weaknesses and ultimately sealing their fate and exterminating them to the last.


The aftermath of the Elemental Convergence left scars upon the realms, not only in the physical devastation but also in the lingering dark magic and remnants of the Maleficarum's influence. The Elemental Elves were shattered and scattered, their power diminished, and their sinister legacy serving as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of wielding corrupted elemental forces.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
15,500 BB
Ending Date
14,401 BB


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