The Duskfall Rebellion Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Duskfall Rebellion

The Duskfall Rebellion was sparked by a deep-seated discontent among a faction of Wood Elves towards the ruling Elven Council, predominantly composed of High Elves. The Wood Elves and Dark Elves felt oppressed and restricted by the rigid rule imposed upon them, and they yearned for greater autonomy and the ability to shape their own destiny. This growing resentment eventually reached a boiling point, leading to open rebellion against their kin.   The rebellion quickly escalated into a bitter civil war between the Elven factions inside Aelindor. The once harmonious and united Elven society was torn asunder by this internal strife. The war inflicted heavy casualties on both sides, resulting in the loss of numerous lives and the destruction of villages, cities, and sacred elven sites. Ancient forests, once teeming with life, became battlegrounds where the clash of elven forces reverberated.

The Conflict


The damages caused by the war were extensive. Elven communities that had coexisted for centuries now found themselves divided, with deep wounds that would take generations to heal. Cultural artifacts, precious elven libraries, and sacred groves were lost in the chaos and violence. The war left scars on the land and on the hearts of the elven people.


Recognizing the need for reconciliation and unity, the leaders of the High Elves and Wood Elves eventually initiated peace talks. They understood that continued conflict would only lead to further devastation and the weakening of their people. As a result, they established the Kingdom of Netheria and Verdantwood kingdoms that were in the same status of Thalasindor and even stretched to the south toward South Nahrso-Lands.

Historical Significance


While the Duskfall Rebellion had its toll on elven civilization, it served as a turning point in their history. It forced the elves to confront their differences, seek common ground, and build a future that acknowledged the unique strengths and aspirations of both the High Elves and Wood Elves. Through their shared endeavors and the establishment of collaborative organizations, they sought to heal the wounds of the past and forge a new path towards unity and prosperity.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
11,355 BB
Ending Date
11,044 BB


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