The Rozzet Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

The Rozzet

The Rozzet is a prestigious brothel in Navara, located in the central square next to the Cathedral of Navara. The Rozzet serves the city’s richest and finest, letting them indulge in bodily pleasures and other desires.


The Rozzet used to belong to a talented noble, Lady Mariana Rosett. An exceptional artist in her own right, she funded artistic endeavors of any sort, eventually even founding an academy in Ammand, with her mansion in Navara housing a saloon for high society, which she called the Rozzet. Before her death in 107 AB, however, she added a clause to her will: turn her mansion into a brothel, so that her sister wouldn’t get to live in it.   The place is additionally notable for being the birthplace of Saint Kairoz the Andorian, with his mother working there as one of the place's top courtesans. Throughout his apotheosis, the place has garnerd a religious importance, and the madams have, over the years, expanded the structure and built an annex that capitlizes on the demand brought on by religious tourism.
Founding Date
71 AB
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location


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