Nuchar Colcamin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Nuchar Colcamin

Nuchar Colcamin

The way below goes ever deeper,
infested with the restless dead.
Our Princess sealed, this is her tower,
this thing a quiet madness made.
— An inscription above the seal on Nuchar's tomb.
Nuchar Colcamin was the first daughter of lord Ultán Colcamin. After some years of decline in her mental stability, she murdered her own mother and was sealed within her chambers beneath Colcamin Manor, with the access stairs being completely walled off and her name stricken off the family annals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In life, Nuchar had fair skin and dark brown hair. She used to color the front of her hair red and applied decorative face painting, both common practices among Sabersychan women at the time.   When last seen by a group of adventurers working for Dara Colcamin, Nuchar was emaciated and rotten, held together by dark magic and the Clochdor curse. Her forehead had signs of deep lacerations, made for esthetic or ritualistic reasons, during her last living weeks; the timing of this disfigurement is evident by the lack of scarring.
Nuchar, as seen in 1050.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nuchar had an inventive mind teeming with ideas and an almost intuitive understanding of human anatomy; combined with virtually endless funding, unrestricted access to literature, and her sociopathy, the breadth and depth of her research were immense, even more so when considering her age. Within less than a tenday in 858 AB, she developed a novel form of Undeath, which she called a Skin Kite. However, she deemed it to be merely a curiosity, and she considered her magna opera to be the Necrosis Carnex and the Mycobacilium Sarcophagi.
Mycobacilium Sarcophagi
A wholly synthetic co-dependent symbiosis of fungus and bacteria, this omnivorous lifeform was developed within a furnace in her laboratory and spread throughout her tomb complex after her death. It demonstrates a pseudo-intelligent ability for food rationing and was able to inhibit its growth in order to preserve food sources, keeping the colony alive for nearly two centuries. Contact with the organism is extremely dangerous for living animals, as the bacterium weakens the subject's immune system and allows the fungus to grow on soft tissues, while the fungus' waste products are highly nutritious for the bacterium and allows it to grow regardless of the host's immune response. The disease is transmissible by mere touch, making medical treatment risky at best; this quality gave rise to the speculation that Mycobacilium Sarcophagi was the cause for The Grausur Plague.
Necrosis Carnex
A horrid amalgamation of flesh, necromancy, and torture, a Necrosis Carnex is an undead made of four legs and three hands, sewn together from living subjects and then bound by bands of Dark Metal. They are remarkably agile, but more importantly, able to funnel negative energy through their hands; this allows them to not only harm living beings, but also "heal" undead ones, making their creating a high priority for undead armies. Renault le Renégat, working under the current Lord Colcamin, attempts to recreate this procedure without subjecting living people to torture and mutilation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nuchar was a brilliant student, demonstrating quick wits, unquenchable curiosity, and impressive self discipline. Towards her teenage years she began developing multiple forms of mental illness, including anorexia, sociopathy, narcissism, recurring psychosis and paranoia.  


Nuchar's last years were documented in a journal, which she started in her 14th birthday.  
1/4/857 I’ve seen it. A thousand voices, a thousand eyes, a deafening chorus. I know better than to fear.   6/4/857 I’m better. I haven’t been sick; I am a better version. I know more, I think faster, I can see connections between things. From this perspective, I can plan better; I asked father to add a laboratory annex to my chambers in the manor. I don’t care if it means I’ll live in the basement.   2/7/857 As per my request, the laboratory was finished before my chambers. I can start experimenting.   7/7/857 These subjects perished faster than anticipated. They were far less durable than I hoped. Come to think of it, why should I settle for poor and unhealthy? I am the daughter of the Lord Colcamin. I can simply pick and choose. All hail the first and last tyrant   29/7/857 That’s better! The process is somewhat difficult to perform, but I will undoubtedly become good enough to perfect it.
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8/3/858 Damn it all!   19/3/858 I spoke to Saerbhreathach. It’s remarkable how he can always help, even when he has no idea what the subject is. It seems so obvious, yet it eluded me: work on the basics.   27/3/858 Child’s play. It took me one day to read that book, and four days to learn everything it had to offer. I even created something of my own, I call it a Skin Kite; basically, we flay the subject and reanimate the skin. The tricky part is keeping the subject in a near-death state. It was a fine idea to pick healthy subjects. His chorus deafening, a voice of all   11/10/858 I started another project. I haven’t eaten in three weeks. I think it makes me look better.   4/11/859 First time I started the crucible, and it exploded. More than a year’s worth of work, shattered at my feet.   9/3/860 Failure. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and a
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gain and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. And a voice for none   9/3/860 I caught one of the maids sniffing around my lab. She said she’s worried for me. I don’t even know her name. Nosy whore. I pulled her hair off. Took me all day. It felt nice. I should do it more often. Praise his coming, for freedom will end   16/4/860 I had a glass furnace built. Mother said she hasn’t seen me leave my chambers in months. What is she talking about? I fear for her mental stability.   1/6/860 The furnace is built. I can resume my experiments.   1/7/860 Finally, something! I managed to get the fungus to grow, but it died off in minutes. I’ll have to solve this.   5/9/860 I ordered the requisition of several pearls. They’re expensive, but we’re rich.   30/12/860 This year starts with an epiphany. Black pearls.   3/2/861 Improved average lifespan. Eight hours.
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2/5/861 A requisitioned a fist sized black pearl. Father declined, but I am the daughter of the Lord Colcamin; I can simply order someone to buy it.   21/8/861 It works! It feeds, it grows, it consumes! So much blood and pain fed into that furnace, bones and fear, skin and despair. I have created something out of mere nothing but my genius. I should show mother, this should calm her worries; she told me some weeks ago she’s concerned. All will sing together, unburdened from choice   22/8/861 Father asked where mother is. I’m confused. She’s right here. Whore.   12/9/861 Father sealed me.   8/11/861 I might die soon. And unhampered by will   8/11/861 I heard a voice. There were four servants in my chambers, the skeletons kept them fed. I don’t remember doing that, nor do I remember having food. This has to be a sign for me to complete my work. Can you hear it?   9/11/861 Success. I sewed them together two by two, and now they pulsate with energy. They answer my commands. I worry they might be somewhat unstable.
The trick was using a pair of hands.
I’m going to sleep for a while, I feel weak.
The Fiddler comes


Dara Colcamin

Half Brother

Towards Nuchar Colcamin


Nuchar Colcamin

Half Sister

Towards Dara Colcamin


Chaotic Evil
843 AB 861 AB 18 years old
Circumstances of Death
Unknown; presumably starvation or dehydration.
Dara Colcamin (Half Brother)


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