Session 1 - "Arriving in Akros" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 1 - "Arriving in Akros" Report

General Summary

Opening Scene

  • Kythos entered the lower city of Akros, alongside Hixus and Agathe
  • A drunken Satyr bumped into Kythos, after stumbling out of a patio. Kythos took him back to the patio, where a woman took him back inside.
  • Hixus and Agathe were having a heated debate about the the moral values of The Archons, and their Imperium. Hixus was trying to argue that the Traxians were a necessary evil, and that without their strength society would have collapsed, but Agathe (and Kythos) were having none of it.
  • Agathe paid Kythos, and then left to see her family in The Kollophon. She asked Kythos to check back with her after he has been vetted by The Oromai.

The Leonin's Store

  • Kythos entered The Fleamarket, and Hixus left to do some shopping
  • Kythos visited Leonin Store and bought some Kumis (fermented mare's milk) and an Oreskan Khopesh
  • Tolle was speaking with a white-furred female Leonin ("White Leonin") outside the shop, but they moved away from Kythos when they saw him
  • A black Panther-like Leonin ("Black Leonin") ran the store, and seemed aggravated at Kythos for spending time (and money) there

    Ormasos and Meloe's Caravan

    • Kythos visited Ormasos and Meloe's Stall
    • They discussed offerings towards Erebos, and the practice of giving dead things (rosemary and other dried flowers) instead of silver (which Meloe found unusual)
    • Meloe  discussed the damming of Khystonos river, and her belief that this was due to "Ocyroaka", but Ormasos  feels that it's actually due to the wrath of Purphoros
    • Meloe whittled a wooden sculpture for Kythos, depicting him as a centaur
    • There was a beautifully-carved wooden horse on display, with strange inscriptions on it. Meloe advised that her mother made it before she died, and that Kythos could buy it, but it would cost 500gp

    Prokopios' Hut

    • Kythos visited Prokopios' Hut
    • Hixus was marvelling at a potion Prokopios had fashioned, which produced colourful explosions
    • Prokopios advised that he hails from Glossion, in Meletis, and that he left there to learn from experience rather than old books
    • Prokopios asked that samples be brought to him of any strange diseases or ailments, as only through studying these can he improve his craft
    • Prokopios also warned Kythos about rumours of an Akroan Super-Weapon being tested within the Katachthon Mountains - he has heard that it can destroy even the thickest of walls, and that it may have caused the damming of the Khystonos

    The Thief

    • Kythos witnessed a middle-aged man (Alkmenos) being robbed by a figure in dark robes
    • He chased down the thief and speared her through the leg
    • The thief was a young female Satyr, who the crowd started to attack
    • Kythos protected the thief from the crowd, and handed her in to The Oromai
    • Kythos later witnessed the thief's hand nailed to a post in The Fleamarket, with a note attached warning that thieves would be prosecuted

    Alkmenos and Brigone

    • Kythos met with Alkmenos and Brigone, two Akroan Serfs who run a stall selling raw foodstuffs.
    • They have been struggling due to the damming of the Khystonos, and the farm they work is now failing. They also advised that their son, Corrino, is very ill and that they are using most of their money to pay for his treatment (provided by Prokopios)
    • They informed Kythos that Corrino wants to be a champion of Iroas one day, and that he adores the current Champions (Paristhenes and Teraklos)
    • Kythos posed for a drawing of him eating a Chard from their stall, which they asked to use as promotional material.
    • Brigone also advised that she has heard that the legendary Pool of Lys has been sighted in the valley, now that the Khystonos has been dammed - she's heard that those who drink of it will have any wish granted

    Leaving Akros

    • Kythos left them, and asked that Hixus check in with Khea regarding the mask he had obtained from The Returned on the road to Akros
    • Kythos returned to Ormasos and Meloe's stall, and received a wooden carving of himself (as a centaur) from Meloe (who appears to be unable to stand up)

    The Alseid

    • Whilst journeying to Alkmenos and Brigone's farm, Kythos came across an untended field of healthy corn, with a stone altar depicting an Alseid (Nymph of the farmlands and fields)
    • Rather than taking from the offerings, Kythos gave a chard
    • Later that day, he was visited by an Alseid, who gifted him with a supernatural vitality as thanks

    Corrino's Delight

    • Kythos located Alkmenos and Brigone's farm (called Corrino's Delight)
    • Corrino has an affliction that caused his flesh to ooze and slide off his skeletal frame
    • Kythos comforted the boy (giving him the wooden sculpture of himself as a centaur), and tried to heal him (to no avail)
    • He was informed that the boy became ill after drinking from The Khystonos River
    • He has been treated with increasing doses of a dark red potion since the incident (provided by Prokopios)
    • Kythos sensed "something feint" within Corrino when he attempted to sense Good and Evil
    • Kythos obtained a sample of water from The Khystonos, and returned to Akros

    Return to Akros

    • Kythos located Hixus within "The Conglom" - a large wooden building on the outskirts of The Fleamarket that is run my a Minotaur, where travellers stay
    • Hixus was with two other travellers, bigging up stories of Kythos and himself
    • Hixus has a room for the night, but has to share with someone else

    Rewards Granted


    Missions/Quests Completed

    New Quests 

    • The Damming of The Khystonos River 
    • Corrino's Malady 
    • A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom for A Horse 
    • A Reunion with Agathe 
    • Sneaky Leonin?
    • Samples for Prokopios 

    Ongoing Quests 

    • A Deadly Message 
    • To Become a God 


    Agreed that Kythos is from the city of Phalea, in Meletis
    Map of Akros
    A map of the Polis of Akros, with important sites highlighted.
    Theros Campaign
    Report Date
    25 Jun 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Characters
    Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
    A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.
    The History of Theros The History of Akros


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