Session 15 - "King Goran's Vault" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 15 - "King Goran's Vault" Report

General Summary

  • The session started with a flashback to Philosta and Xercos in Neolantin. We witnessed Philosta breaking the law of Neolantin succession by taking a mortal husband, rather than being wed to the sea herself. Her mother (Arikinui Zyanya) told her to leave the city and find a way to avoid the prophecy that the city would fall should a wedded woman ascend to the throne. As she left the city with Xercos, we saw her daughter in the arms of the Arikinui.
  • Philosta ascended mount Kakamala, and encountered Guukhrod, a giant boulder barring the way to the halls of The Flamespeakers. She then entered the hall with Varyas' eidolon in tow. Unfortunately, they had to leave Lucis, The Steed  behind.
  • Back in the mountain, Kythos, Taurion and Koila, of The Ironclaws hinted down Osyba and slew her.
  • The group then secured an odd object from a statue depicting King Tymocles "The Pious" of Akros. After which, they found their way into the vault of King Goran I "The Founder" of Akros.
  • Within the vault, the group took The Lyre of Queen Chrysanthe "The Siren" of Akros, The Opal Blade of Queen Elenuta "The Tenacious" of Akros, The Helm of King Cassander "Sun Child" of Akros and numerous pieces of gold and gems.
  • The group escaped certain death by using the ring, Apethanta, to plane shift to Castle Fengari...
Theros Campaign
Report Date
16 Feb 2024


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