The Gorkhan Guard Organization in Theros | World Anvil
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The Gorkhan Guard

The Gorkhans were a group of warriors from across the Oraniad Mountains, brought back in chains by the heroes Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood", of Akros and Prince Arius "The Ever-Young" of Akros  Originally, the Gorkhans were used as labourers and gladiators, but they soon proved their superiority to most foes. It was said that Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros was so impressed (and some rumoured enamoured) by the Gorkhans, that she granted the entire group freedom from servitude, so long as they swore an oath to Varantha to serve the reigning Queen (and her successors) whenever needed.    Since then, the Gorkhans have formed into a respected and feared group of warriors, utterly devoted to the protection of the reigning monarch. It is notable that The Gorkhan guard are the only individuals permitted to bear weapons within the Royal Palace, and (with The Oromai) the only people permitted to carry weapons anywhere within The Kollophon.    At present, the guards serve Taranika, Queen Regent of Akros, however given that Queen Cymede of Akros's fate is still unknown, there is some question about whether their oaths to Taranika, Queen Regent of Akros are binding...    Current members include: Bartatua - Captain of The Guard stationed within The Royal Palace  Anacharsis - Second-in-Command
Ruling Organization
Notable Members
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