
A planet in the Aurigae System.   Garzilles is very close to its parent star. Furthermore, because the star is a class A star, this planet is extremely hot. Not as hot as Jenilop, the first planet, but there are many pools and oceans of lava on Garzilles. The Phelke Commonwealth did extract ore from Garzilles, though. Much of the surface is solid ground unlike Jenilop. The planet was rich in various valuable metal ores.   The planet was still dangerous however. Geologists constantly assisted the miners there for safety reasons; the planet featured many active volcanoes and very geologically active. After an earthquake, ore is often moved up from the mantle to the crust, so a similar area could be mined multiple times.   Garzilles also has 2 moons. These are large enough to impact the tides of the planet. This caused the lava level to rise and fall periodically as well as several powerful earthquakes.
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