
A large planet in the Aurigae System.   Quenollol is quite cold, though not to a very large extent. It has a strong gravitational pull but was geologically active and rich in radioactive materials such as uranium. Some rare deposits of plutonim were discovered as well. Plutonium is not found on most planets, making Quenollol valuable for fission reactors. However, most spacefaring factions do not use fission reactors.   The radiation is useful for potentially partially sustaining life. Although most of the energy is obtained from the nearby star, it could also eat radiation as a secondary energy source. However, no life evolved on the world. The only life that exists on Quenollol came from alien planets.   There have been schemes to seed the planet with a functional ecosystem - though many argued the sheer cost of doing this would be too great. This would eventually be attempted after the Phelke Commonwealth joined the Hyperion Federation. The HF created the ecosystem using Replicator nanobots. The ecosystems did have an underground component which would harness the radioactive energy source underground and be primarily reliant on the star energy. This gave the planet a survivable atmosphere, making it very safe to inhabit.
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