Aldebaran System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Aldebaran System

Star system that contains the world of Zatrides, which is the homeworld of the United People of Zatrides.   The Aldebaran star is a class F star and is visibly mostly blue.    The closest worlds is a binary system of 2 lava planets   The 2nd world is a gas giant with 84 moons   The 3rd level of worlds is a very hot, toxic planet Asteroid belt The 4th world is Zatrides, the Irziell home planet.   The 5th world is a barren planet slightly larger than Irziell. It can be terraformed.   The 6th world is a larger gas giant, the largest in the system, with 94 moons and a ring Asteroid belt The 7th world is cold, but warmed up at the core. It is entirely comprised of ice and, lower down, water. The HF made the underwater area habitable by building a megastructure that takes most of the weight of the ice and adding an energy source for an ecosystem to grow. It is now inhabited by large alien wildlife and underwater suons along with cities. It has been recognised as a popular tourist destination because there are few planets like it in the universe. Other species enjoy it with submarines.   The 8th planet is a gas giant with a very large solid core. It resembles a planet with a very large and dense atmosphere. 40 moons.   Outside of that is various smaller bodies that are very cold.
Star System
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