Altilae System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Altilae System

An A class star located in the Aegialus galaxy.   It is most notable for one of the Shellworlds which orbit it, Medora, which has a short orbital radius and such would normally be very hot, were it not for its shell.The system also contains other planets. Many of these are gas giants, which the Hyperion Federation harvests for various gas (primarily hydrogen) using large gas giant collection stations.   The Antilae System is also the center to a large number of stations orbiting various worlds (and in some cases the star itself). Although the Altilae system lies in Republic of Vanadia space, it is not primarily populated with Vanadians. Most races of the HF inhabit the system, primarily Medora.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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