GR-24-Q Species in THF Universe | World Anvil


A model of Sentient Robot.   GR-24-Qs are short and unarmed. They are a newer model, having been inspired by Shockworms. As such, GR-24-Qs are equipped with several electrical energy tentacles. These can induce significant voltages across each other, and their capacitor bank mounted onthe body is capable of storing a very large quantity of energy. Spare power from their Zero - Point Energy power cores are fed into the capacitors, allowing GR-24-Qs to use an unlimited power source to power Hyperion Federation equipment (assuming they dont try to power something that is beyond their own capacity).   They often serve engineering roles or as various kinds of mechanics. However some do not want to serve these roles and instead find other jobs. These people often complain that jobs shouldnt be relegated to certain species / sentient robot models. They are quite slow however because their short size means a small ZPE core needs be used. This restricts the amount of energy they have acess to.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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