Harkas Outerworldian

A subspecies or Harkas that has evolved to survive in space outside of the habitable zone.   Although the difference in physiology between Midworldians and Innerworldians is large, it is perhaps larger between midworldians and outerworldians. They attempt to take in heat rather than actively emit it, in order to supply slightly more energy to some symbiotic, microbial organisms for the outerworldian ot eventually metabolise. Although many of the outerworldian biological processes are more efficient, no process is 100% efficient so they have to radiate heat as well. Their radiators are smaller, but they have to eat less to survive. However, less food can be found as it can be difficult to support life with less energy. Almost all lifeforms outside the habitable radius have a much slower metabiolism, so the conditions generally favor smaller life, but there are still engineered bioships in more current times, as well as predators that can eat outerworldians.   In more current times, they have engineered new lifeforms that can produce more energy (using more efficient photosyhthesis processes), allowing more life to flourish around the outerworlds, but the outerworldian harkas themselves are still adapting to the rapid change. Their metabolism is speeding up, giving them faster reaction times as well as better control of bioships, but still remain as one of the less populous subspecies of harkas. Propulsion is achieved in a more similar way to mechanical rockets. Their tails can emit a jet of material rearwards at decently high velocity. This material is obtained from digesting smaller lifeforms which had this fuel-like substance for a similar reason.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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